Thursday, January 31, 2008

Girls Just Want to Have Fun!

SeRiousLy, you have NEVER had so much fUn if you have NEVER had a slEepOver with Ady! Last niGht I inVited Ady to sLeepoVer at our hoUse. We had a BLAST!! We gOt siLly and craZy and had the TIME of our LIVES! SiMon was so wOunD up it wAs haLariOus!
We put All the blaNkets out oN the flOor and tuRned on "AllAdin". Ady was so CUTE whiLe we waTched it. She is sUch a roManTic alrEady! She SANG alMost eVerY woRd to evEry soNg and had a HUGE grIn duRing the roManTic carPet riDe.
SiMon woUldn't leAve her alOne. WheNever we triEd to get hIm to lay doWn he praCticaLly laId on tOp of Ady. He just waNted to be laYing as cLose to heR as poSSible!
In the morNing we mAde paNcaKes!
And thEn speNt a good poRtion of the moRning plaYing plAy-doH!
Ady foUnd that whEn she sAng inTo this cUp it "ECHOED" her vOice, so I gueSs she thOugHt it soUnded liKe a miCropHone. She saNg her HEART out all MorniNg. I got soMe viDeo of hEr SINGING, but the tecHno retArd that I am cAn't figUre out hOw to poSt it! AnyWay, THANK YOU sooOo much Ady for haVing sUch a FUN sleePoVer with me! We defInAtly have to dO it aGaiN.....SOON!! :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Kelly Clarkson Beware!

OK, so I'm bored and found this website on Melissa's links, so I was playing around with a photo I had of Ady. I'm pretty sure she could be a contender for American Idol! How could you ever turn away a beauty like her! And she does sing a pretty good "I Am A Child Of God"! I'm excited to have Ady over for a sleepover tonight! We are going to get in our PJs and watch movies and have popcorn! I'm pretty excited! Let's cross our fingers Simon sleeps good tonight!

What to Write About??

So, we have all had the problem lately with what to write in our blogs about. Maybe it's because all the excitement of the holidays is over, maybe it's because I live in Cache Valley, work full time, and really nothing ever changes for me.....I don't know. So, I'm sitting here in my PJs, vegging on the couch, my kid is watching some Tom and Jerry and surprisingly loving it, so I'm going to create a topic for you all!
So, topic for the day will be "Guilty Pleasures"....since some of you need something to write about that? What are your "guilty pleasures"? For me it would be (in no particular order) 1. Hannah Montana. Don't judge me until you have seen it! It is so funny!! I'm talking about the TV show. Quality entertainment! 2. The Carpenters. There is just something about their music that reminds me of my mom. Maybe it's because she often sings Carpenters songs....I don't know. But it's one of those "comfort CD's". 3. I've been known to take some seriously long showers! Of course it doesn't happen as often now that I've got a kid...but whenever I can I love to just crank the heat and stand there FOREVER! Awwww....RELAXATION!!! 4. Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. If you have never seen this cartoon it is a MUST! So funny I can hardly contain myself!
So, what are a few of your guilty pleasures??

Monday, January 28, 2008

An Amazing Prophet!

I just wanted to echo the feelings of so many friends that have posted comments about the recent death of President Hinckly. He was such an amazing man and wonderful prophet! I have been so blessed to have grown up in an era with him as our leader! He had the warmest personality and his sense of humor no doubt reached the hearts of people that needed it the most! It was hard to believe just how old he was because he was always so ALIVE and HEALTHY and just....AMAZING! I am sad that my children won't grow up knowing him like we all did. I can only IMAGINE the homecoming that he received in heaven! And I am so happy that he has now joined his wife again. What a brilliant, amazing man and I will miss him greatly!

Sledding Day!

We decided to have a family fun day and take Simon sledding! He has never been before so we weren't sure if he would like it or not. He loves to be outside and loves to play in the snow so we at least knew he would love that part.
Ready, Set....
Needless to say he LOVED it!! The sled didn't even come to a complete stop before he was asking to go "again, again"!
Even mom got a turn to go with Simon! Most of the time we all went together. I'm not going to lie, I haven't "giggled" that hard for a very long time! I'm not sure who had more fun, Simon or me! We only biffed it once, but it was a doozy! Simon completly did a face plant in the snow. I thought that would be the end of it for Simon, but he wiped away the snow and asked to go "again, again"! What a trooper! This one of the first "family activities" we have had just the three of us. It was so much fun to bond together. We will remember this for a very long time!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I've been TAGGED!
Here's the Deal. Each player answers the questions about themselves, at the end of the post the player tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. What were you doing 10 years ago? I had just graduated high school and was working at Six Star (I LOVED that job!!!). I think I had just purchased my first car, a Mercury Tracer conveniently named "Tracie". She was a great car! I was just "discovering myself" by dating some pretty big losers! Sorry mom and dad for the stress! Of course not all the guys I dated at the time were losers...there were a couple that really taught me a lot about myself! And I had some amazing friends! I spent a lot of time at the Bull Pen (playing billiards up at the university)
2. What is on your To Do list today? Well, I have a sick kid right now, so I'm hoping at some point I can get in the shower. I do have to go to work today, so Simon will get to spend the afternoon at grandmas. Wow...I have a pretty uneventfull day ahead of me!
3. Snacks that I enjoy. I love all kinds of snacks! Ottes cinnimon rolls are to die for, my mom makes some pretty amazing rice crispy treats, and Cody makes some really delicious "smores", but right now my absolute favorite is an english toffee pizuki (spelling?) from Firehouse!
4. Three Bad Habits. I have the messiest house EVER! Sorry Fly Lady, I just can't keep it up! My car is a total disaster as well! I'm not dirty, just messy! I also suck at returning things. I have a pile on my kitchen table of things to return to people. And I swear like a sailor! I need to quit before Simon learns it (maybe too late?)
5. If I were suddenly a billionaire I would... hire someone to clean my house. I would obviously quit my job so I could stay home with Simon. I would get myself and my family completley out of debt and then I would go on a fabulous vacation to New Zealand.
6. Five Places I've lived. Logan, Smithfield, Hyrum...that's all I've got.
7. Five Jobs: sandwhich maker (excuse me Jen, it's called "Sandwich artist!", sales clerk at Six Star, manager at Sam Goody, area manager at Ross, operations manager at Best Buy (oh ya...I had a three day stint at Matrix- now called Convergys).
8. Five things people don't know about me....... there's not a whole lot that people don't know about me. It's not really because I'm an open book, but I'm just pretty boring. Some people don't know that I like to draw/paint (watercolors). I can not roll my "R's" (like when you speak Spanish)....I'd love to be able. I would do it literally all the time! I can not cook to save my life. Good thing Cody can! I can pretty much quote the entire movie of "Drop Dead Fred", but most people know that cause I quote it all the time! And it wasn't until well after high school that I learned Alaska was not an island down by Hawaii (warning, do NOT send your children to Lincoln Elementary!).
4 PEOPLE I AM TAGGING..........Amber, Noel, Tauna, Tina

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thank You Monica!

So, I have to say Thank You so much Monica! Monica gave me the name of a new potential baby sitter for Tues and Thurs. Her name is Angie and I took Simon over to meet her today. I was very very very impressed! She is no Hayley, but she will be fine. She actually just lives around the corner from me in a beautiful house. She was so nice and seemed to be so good with the kids! If any of you take your kids to a sitter you understand how stressfull finding the "right one" can be, so I was glad to meet her and have that feeling of relief! Hayley and I decided that with Travis being so sick right now it might get too hard for her to watch Simon for me. Plus, it seems like Simon always has a cold or something and with Travis going through treatments his immune system just can't handle any germs. Hayley, I know you feel bad about it, but I would feel AWFUL if Simon got Travis sick!! So, this has worked out just fine. Anyway, so I am so excited for Simon to try out this new adventure and hopefully he will fall in love with Angie and the other kids she watches! Of course he will always love Hayley the most! :) Thanks again Hayley for watching him all this time for me! I would have been a nervous wreck as a brand new mom if I had to take him to anyone else! I love you so much!!!!

First Day of Preschool!

No your not losing your mind...Simon is not old enough to go to preschool yet. Simon is kind of sick so we didn't want him to spread his germs at Hayleys, so my mom let him come to preschool for the day. I will definatly borrow some pics from my mom to post! He had a blast. He thought he was got stuff playing with the big kids! Mom said once he realized that the kids thought he was funny he was the class clown the rest of the day! Oh great! That's just a preview to how his school days are going to go! He made a paper penguin, and colored an igloo (any guesses what the topic for the day was?). And then they watched a movie about animals in the artic or something and mom said he was shouting out all the names of the animals! The kids thought he was pretty cool! I sure do love my little smarty pants!

Some New Pics

This is his new "Dora Silly Face". Not sure exactly how that relates to Dora the Explorer, but that's what he calls it!

I've never posted any tub here are a few. No matter where he is he has to be a ham!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Terrible Two's!!

So, I guess I am definatly not prepared for this "terrible two's"" stage! Simon is going to be two in, I'm praying that he is just going through the phase a little early! He is so hard right now! Of course he has his incredibly cute moments. Maybe today has just been particularly hard, so that's all I can focus on! He is back into his biting stage (sorry Sienna!) and he gets the sparkle in his eyes when he knows he is doing something he is not supposed to. Mom's, you know the look I'm sure! I'm pretty sure he has spent 1/3 of his day today in time out! When I yell at him (which I find myself doing way too often) he just yells back. He's decided he likes to throw his food now and today I almost found myself throwing it back at him. Maybe I should have to lighten the mood cause I found my eyes begining to "leak" and had to excuse myself from the table at my mom's so no one saw me lose it! So stupid I know! For any of you that have twins....God bless you! I'm pretty sure if I had twins one of them would be offered up to the highest bidder! OK, I'm sure I wouldn't......??? So, I guess my blog today is a tribute to all you moms out there that have been through this and have lived to tell about it. Better yet, all the kids that have lived through that stage to tell about it! And for any of you that tell me "this is nothing, it's just going to get worse!" I'm pretty sure you will find yourself "X'd off the list" (as my 4 year old neice once put it). Maybe I need a good night sleep (ha ha) and tomorrow will be a better day!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Your Celebrity Style Twin is Kirsten Dunst
More hippie chic than hippie chick.


So, Monday morning Simon woke up to find that our neighbors across the street had built a snowman. Well, of course he wanted to go outside and say "hi" and then he wanted to build one himself. Yes, I had a selfish mom moment that consisted of me being way too tired and cold to have any desire what-so-ever to go outside. Luckily my mom came over to see Simon and the brilliant woman that she is figured they could make a snowman inside using play-doh! You'd think she was a preschool teacher or something!
So, she taught Simon how to roll the play-doh around to make a ball...
And then stack them on top of each other....and you have a snowman. Ta-da! Crisis averted! How does she come up with these things? I only hope to be that smart and creative someday!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirates Life for Me!

Sunday was Sid's birthday! I can't believe he is 7 years old! I'm not completly obsessed with my own kid....there is a picture of Sid down at the bottom! As you can tell the theme of the party was Pirates. The kid is obsessed with pirates. It's either that or Lego's and I just don't know how you would do a Lego birthday party!
The kids played a game with a "pirate bomb" that you had to keep passing around before it "exploded". I didn't think Simon would really get the idea, and even if he did I didn't think he would have the patience to wait his turn....boy was I wrong.
He totally got it and was pretty proud of himself for "playing game with kids" (that's what he said!). He waited so patiently and as soon as he got the "bomb" he held it as long as he could and than passed it off! I was a pretty proud mom!
He actually liked wearing the pirate hat which totally surprised me, but of course he's good with doing anything to be like Sid!

But of course after awhile the goofball Simon that we all know and love decided to put his own personality into wearing the hat! What a nerd!
Here's the birthday boy! He had his own special pirate hat which he wore the entire night!
Captain Jack Sparrow he's not....but Greg and Miranda did throw a pretty great party for Sid!
Simon thought he was pretty cool being a "big kid". I wish I could have all the kids over for every meal cause Simon ate pretty good with them all there. Wait, did I really wish for that? I'm crazy!
Every party needs a pooper that's why we invited them....:) Just kidding. Cody and Markelle had fun too. This picture just looked like they were watching Conference or something! (there goes the lightning!) God has a sense of humor, right?
OK,'s just so cute, I had to post it twice! Actually the truth is I couldn't figure out how to delete it off! :) I'm challanged!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Simons scary face!

This is Simons "scary face". Real scary, huh??
Usually I'm the one behind the camera, so I don't often get many pictures with me and Simon.
And of course Ady always wants a picture taken of her. Thank You Greg for teaching me the art of a self portrait!!

To Play, or not to Play....never a question!!

OK, so we have a problem....we admitt it! We are addicted to games. Whether its Killer Bunnies, Dominoes, Curses, or plain old Monopoly (currently the game of choice) we are able to put all else aside for a game. This includes preparing for my lesson in Relief Society today! Oh well, I guess there are just as many valuable lessons to be learned in Monopoly like "don't cheat"- right Hayley? And I'll probably get struck by lightning by saying there is just as much to learn in Monopoly as there is in Relief Society, but when it's me teaching the lesson that is pretty true!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I'm still techno challenged!

Um....sorry! I have no idea why all that stuff went blue and underlined. I suck with computers!

Welcome to the 21st Century!

Hold on to your seats....The Johnson family has joined the 21st Century! The rumors are true....we finally got the internet! So, no more blogging from work....I can blog in my undies from the privacy of my own home if I want (don't worry, I don't want!) Hopefully that means I'll be better at updating my blog (so back off Hayley and Jen!!).
Seriously....just when I think he is as cute as possible, he does something that makes him even cuter!!!!! Man I love him!

Greg and Miranda....ya, I think he really is licking her face!

Simon is obsessed with his cousins! Anytime any of them are around he is out of control crazy and it's almost impossible to get him to calm down. This is him playing with his cousin Sid (Greg and Miranda's little boy). I think they were playing "Rattatouille" or however you spell it!

Here's a pic of Simon with his new Wednesday babysitter Kelsie. We love her! We are so blessed to have two amazing babysitters (thank you Hayley as well!) that take such great care of Simon! Someday I will get to be a stay at home Mom, but until than I'm greatful for Hayley and Kelsie!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

So many pics! Whoa!

We rang in the New Year with Cody's family at Hayley's house! We had so much food it was ridiculous (but what else is new when the Johnsons celebrate!). We played games and had a great time. I had some great black-mail videos of Travis belly dancing (no I'm not joking, and no he wasn't drunk!), but somehow when I wasn't looking he stole my camera and erased it! Revenge sucks Trav!
Me and my neice Caesy. She is getting so grown up it pretty much kills me!

One of my favorite things about the Holidays is spending time with family. Fortunatly for Cody and I our families live very close and we get to hang out with them often. I'm go glad that we are able to have such a great friendship with Codys sister Hayley and her family.

On Christmas morning Simon opened his stocking and immediatly went to the candy. He didn't even care about the other presents. Note to Santa for next year!

We played a game at Grandmas Christmas party that involved candy. Simon was pretty sneaky and the "choc-o-holic" that he is was caught red handed with more than his share!

Simon had so much fun at Grandma Nymans Christmas party. He waited patiently for his turn to open a present!

New Pics....Enjoy!

We went to Hardware Ranch and pretty much froze our hoo-haa's off! It was so much fun though and the kids loved to see the elk! Simon is still talking about it.

Seriously? Have you seen a cuter kid than this??