Friday, January 23, 2009

Party Being Planned...

So, my mom decided that she will throw our "Penny Pinching" party at her house. So, I just need to know what night works best for most of you. It has to be either a Thurs night or a Sat night. Let me know if your interested and what night works best for you and we will get it planned. As soon as I get the details worked out I'll let ya'll know when and where. Let the saving begin!!! :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pennies are being pinched!!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to all of you that posted ideas to help me in pinching my much needed pennies! I don't I've ever had that many comments on any of my posts before so it sounds like I struck a nerve with a lot of you! :) A good nerve of course! In fact I have had so many comments from people between blogging world and facebook world that I think I might be interested in hosting a party that can teach us how to be better with our money. I am also looking into a class that is offered (it's FREE!!!!!) and once I find out when and where I will post it for you all. So, if you SERIOUSLY are interested in attending a "party" let me know....I don't want to host one if no one shows up (you know who you are!...Ok, I'm usually that person!). I've heard so many people that are spending like $50 on groceries but coming home with $5,000 worth of groceries (OK, slight exageration....but it's my daydream, let me have my moment!). I'm so excited to learn and to be able to breath again!! Thanks again for all the great ideas! Keep them coming!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Penny Pinchers....Advice Needed!

"Money Money Money! Aint it a rich mans world!" Thanks to my amazingly talented neices, I know this Mama Mia song well! This post is all about asking you smart money managers out there for a little help! I was reading my cousins blog tonight (thanks Kylie!) and she was talking about using coupons and being more of a smart grocery shopper. I loved reading her post and realized there are probably a lot of great ideas out there that help people save money! Keep in mind before you start shooting out too many ideas....I work 50+ hours a week and a lot of my "spare time" (ha, that's a joke!) is spent trying to be a good mom. So, sometimes I just don't have the time to clip a million coupons. But that being said I want so badly to be out of debt and to be able to be a little smarter with my BRING IT ON! If you have a fantastic budget idea or a plan that helps you save money...PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!