Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My New BFF

If you want some seriously funny entertainment.....visit my new BFF's blog at www.jennsylvania.com. OK, she is unaware of the fact that we are BFF's, but I'm confident that on the magical day that we finally meet she will realize that we are soul sisters!
Jen Lancaster + Amy Johnson = Best Friends Forever.
(hmmm....did I just cross the "creepy" line?)

I love my little cowboy! I wanted to journal this little story because I never want to forget it. The other night Simon and I decided to go to McDonalds so he could play in their playland. He was so excited and ran right over to play. There was an older little boy there playing and he went up to Simon and started teasing him and just kind of being mean to Simon. I've never wanted to punch a little kid before! Anyway, Simon came running over to me and I thought he would start crying or something. Instead he had this huge grin on his face and pointed to the other boy and said "Mom, that boy is my friend!" I know that's a silly little story, but I was so proud of Simon! Instead of getting his feelings hurt he made a new friend! As soon as the older boy realized he hadn't bothered Simon at all he left him alone and Simon had a blast playing. I hope Simon always keeps such an optomistic view on things! I love him so much and I learn so much from him!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Don't Want to Brag, But.....

Thank you Hayley for the inspiration on the title of this blog! So, I was sitting down, clipping my coupons and Simon decided he wanted to clip some coupons of his own. I figure your never too young to learn the value of a dollar....so the clipping began!

After much consentration...the first coupon was clipped! I'm pretty proud of him! He did a pretty great job!
And alas! The results of our labors! I spent $110 and saved $100!!! I will go ahead and chalk that one up as a success! But even more than the savings- I enjoyed watching Cody's face when I showed him what we saved!

I think Cody has finally realized that the cost of the paper is well worth the savings!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Little Cowboy

My sister and her family gave Simon his birthday present on Sunday. They got him all cowboy'd up! Now, let's be honest....I'm not a country girl. But seriously, there is nothing cuter than a little boy in cowboy attire! They went all out! Boots, Wranglers, shirt, and cowboy hat! As soon as he got it all on he instantly had a little "swagger" to his walk. It was so funny!

Favorite pic of the year! I just love that goofy little grin! Jen, you did a great job taking all these pics!!!

We got to enjoy the warm weather and we all played a little crokett (hmmm...I'm sure I didn't spell that right!). It was so much fun! Simon played with us and actually did pretty good hitting the ball!

Maybe he is destined to be a cowboy! Cowboys always have skinny butts!

Thank you Soto clan!! Simon loves being a cowboy!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Michael Alleman Memorial Run

So, one of my favorite things about working for Best Buy is the opportunity to be involved in a lot of community fundraisers. We came across this particular fundraiser and I was super stoked to be a part of it. Amy Alleman (girl in the hat on the end) is actually my age and has two young boys and just lost her husband in Iraq. So, her friends and family hosted a 5k run to help her and her family. I can not even begin to comprehend what her and her family are going through right now!
These photo's are in no particular order...but here you go. This is the Best Buy group that ran. This is right after the race. Amy Alleman is on the end with one of her little boys. She is such a nice person and she has such a positive attitude!!
Me and Tyson were the last of the Best Buy group to finish. At least we finished! I was pretty proud of us for doing as well as we did!

Kraig was second from our group.

And of course Drew was the first from our group to finish. He is a marathon runner so this was no surprise to us! He decided to do this run instead of the Boise Marathon! Thanks Drew!!! He was even nice enough to come find me and Tyson after he finished and run the rest of the way with us! :)

We really are such a great looking group, right? Thanks fella's for running with me!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Busy Weekend!

What a busy weekend! Friday was Simons birthday! I can't believe he is 3 years old! He is getting so big and way too sassy! :) We started out the day by going to "Baby Animal Days" with a friend of mine and her little boy. Of course I forgot to take my camera (so unlike me!). That was super fun! This year Simon was determined to have a "Pirate Party". So a friend of mine said she would make him a pirate cake. I can't believe what an amazing job she did with it! I looooooovvvveee this cake! She did such a great job! This picture really doesn't do it justice! By the way Cami, it was delicious! It did break my heart to cut into it though!

Ady and Sienna were good sports to dress up like pirates with Simon. I'm loving Ady's "arghhh" face!

Simon had to inform me the "pirates don't smile". Maybe he has seen "Pirates of the Carribean" too many times! Don't judge me!

The grandparents always spoil Simon so much! Grandma Linda and Grandpa Mike got Simon a "motorcycle bike". If you just call it a bike he will be very quick to correct you!! It's a "motorcycle bike!"

The Wolfleys gave the perfect gift....a huge pirate ship! Simon loved it! He was super sad that the Wolfleys couldn't make it. He kept saying "I know my cousins live really far away, but they will come to my party." We would try to explain to him that it was too far away and he just kept saying "No, they will come to my party!" It was kind of sad! So, Wolfley clan.....we missed you!

Grandma Tana and Grandpa Joel got Simon a bouncy horse. It was a hit! Simon went from Pirate to Cowboy in about 2 seconds flat! See what I mean? Both grandparents spoil him rotten!

I think the Kidmans won though....they gave Simon a little car bubble machine. Thank you Kidmans for the extra layer of film that is coated on every inch of my carpet and walls! :) Payback is a bitch! :) As for what me and Cody got Simon....we had to stick with the boring gifts (cause really, how do you compete with all that??). So we got him a few books, a couple puzzles, playdoh, and a movie. Oh ya, and a helmet and knee pads for his bike. Cody got him his first fishing pole too! I think Cody was more excited than Simon, but I think Simon just doesn't quite realize what it is yet.

After all the fun and games the kids sat down to watch a movie while the rest of us played some games! Thank you everyone for helping Simon have such a great birthday!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sun, Savings, and a Serenade!

Today has been a fantastic day! Lately it seems like it rains or even freaking snows on my days off! So, we definatly enjoyed the weather today! We started out the day by running into town (Simon thinks "town" is Kmart, so he was mad when we drove right past)! Anyway, I've been watching for some great deals to use my coupons on and I found this great deal I was pretty stoked about! I got all 4 of these Kraft Ranch Dressing for.....FREE!!! Yeah!

Then we spent the rest of the day outside! I got all my flower beds ready for some new plants and had a great time watching Simon enjoy the sun! Every little thing is a new "treasure" for him lately!

This pic looks like he's crying or screaming...he was actually singing to me! Awww I love that kid!