Do you ever wish you could go back in time? If I could pick one time period to revisit it would most definatly be the early 90's! Oh, the 90's was a great time in the world, and a time that probably influenced my personality more than any other time! Of course, the 90's had it's share of "bad ideas"....
Heat activated clothing??? Could the inventor of this tragidy please step forward? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?
The horrendous (is that a word?) trend of the "Rachel Hair". I admit, I sported a similar style at one time. I do believe the term "bad hair day" stemmed from this very style! Sorry all you millions of girls out there that went for this look. Really, what were we all thinking?
That goes for you too Miss Bangs! Such a pretty face.... She could so be the poster child for AquaNet Hairspray!
And my husband would kill me for catagorizing "Blossom" with the "bad ideas". Apparently he was a fan. I heard Joey's "whoa" one too many times and "Six" was just plain annoying.
But the 90's introduced some brilliant ideas as well. Many of which I supported. For example...
Doc Martins! How cool were these?? Loved them, never owned any, wished every day of my junior high school life that I could afford a pair!
Overalls. Thousands, if not millions of people everywhere are disagreeing with me right this minute, but I lived in my overalls! I had no boobs, and no butt, so I had nothing to attempt to show off anyway. But going to the bathroom proved to be a pain in the butt!
Yes please. All of it. Bring on the flannel! I am a grunge girl at heart and this is my idea of style!
Speaking of grunge....the 90's produced some of the BEST music to date!
Kurt Cobain. Beautiful.
Early 90's here, and the complete opposite of grunge. But Tommy was a little bit of "eye candy" for me. And yes, I had his poster on my wall!
Janet Jackson. Now I'm talking "Rhythm Nation" Janet. My brother was a Janet supporter and we spent many hours practicing her Rhythm Nation moves on our own kitchen chairs. Unsuccessfull!
"How do you talk to an angel?" That angel would be Jamie Walters and he indeed had the voice of an angel! Many dreams involved this beautiful man! :)
Another favorite. Blind Melon.
But for those of you who know me best, you know that my heart will always belong to the fella's of "Alice In Chains". All time favorite band! True brilliance and gosh they are good looking. R.I.P. Layne!
Some of the TV shows that made me love the 90's...
Fresh Prince. I didn't watch this for Will (never really have been a fan of his), but Carlton was halarious! I so loved his signature dance move.
Saved By The Bell. You may still find me watching this show anytime I can find it on TV. Oh, the fashion trends in full force! A.C. Slater....need I say more??
Seinfeld helped mold our generation! So many one liners and inside jokes.
And my all time favorite cartoon, Anamaniacs. I really do need to find these DVDs and watch them with Simon. I think (desperatly hope) he would like it!
And Hayley, this one is for you. Beverly Hills 90210. Again another show that encompassed all things 90's. So many of our trends came stright from this show.
And to wrap it all up....if you want a glimpse at all the greatness that was the 90's. Fashion, music, and's all represented in my favorite movie of all time. Empire Records. My friends can vouch for the fact that I can quote this movie from start to finish! Empire Records was my dream life.
So, that's my recap on everything that was great from the 90's. I'm sure you have your own memories from the 90's. And maybe now you will understand me just a little bit more ( all makes sense.)