Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blogging Hiatis

So....It's been over a month since my last post, so I thought I'd do a little chatching up while I still can. WARNING: MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF PICTURES IN ABSOLUTLY NO PARTICULAR ORDER!!
A couple of my friends that I haven't seen in awhile were begging me to post a picture of me being fat and prego (OK, so maybe they didn't exactly phrase it like that)....so I thought I would appease them, but I guess also for journaling purposes I may want to look back on this and be greatful when I'm skinny again!
So, friends....here you go! Me at 8 months pregnant...only 38 days to go (but really, whose counting?).

When people say it takes a village to raise a child I now completely know what they are talking about! We are loving the good weather and Simon is having a ball playing with all his buddies in the neighborhood (and there are many!). I think we need to post different colored flags in the front window for each kid we have at our house...that way you can just look out the window and know whose house your kid is at at any time. Great idea, huh? This is Simon's best buddy Kamden. They are one a couple days apart in age and I'm sure we are all in for some serious trouble from these two in the future! Quick story....they both have power wheel four wheelers and one day decided to go to the park by themselves without telling anyone. Funny, but can you say "grouded"?
Simon turned 4 on April 10. I can't believe my little man is 4 already! He is so funny right now and is getting so grown up and indepentant! I'm kind of loving it! He loves Spongebob and wanted a Spongebob party. My amazing mom made this cake for him (don't worry mom, I won't tell anyone about the first attempt!).

And he finally got the 4-wheeler he has been dreaming of! All of the neighborhood kids have one and yes, I became that mom that had to have what the other kids have! He has been having a blast on it....and getting into trouble all at the same time! (see the above story!)

For his party they also played "Pin the pants on spongebob". I loved it and thought it was so cute! Thanks mom for thinking of it! Grandpa Mike even had some fun playing it. :)

Usually for Simons birthday we go to Hogle Zoo. Due to the lack of funds this year, we decided to just hit Willow Park. I think Simon liked it just fine. My mom and dad came with us and Simon got to have some great grandpa bonding time!

We have spent plenty of time with grandpa on the real 4-wheeler too! Simon looooooves the 4 wheeler!!! (I think grandpa kind of does too!)

My grandma sent Simon a birthday card in the mail (seriously....there still is nothing funner than getting mail!). I love this picture, cause she sent some money for Simon in the card. Can you tell he is excited???

We did lots of Easter Egg hunts!

And of course some car trouble! But luckily Cody is a man of many talents and was able to save us a lot of money by fixing it himself! Hooray! And of course had to have a lesson with Simon on auto repair! :)

Simon also had his Special Day at Preschool. It was so fun to go and watch him. They sang a song to him and he got to show the class pictures of him and tell all about himself. I won't lie...I got a little teary! (It's the pregnancy, OK!!!)

So....now you know what we have been up to this last month! Not to mention Cody has been working really hard on finishing a room in the basement for Simon. It's been a busy month and I"m sure the next month is going to go by quickly!!! YIKES!!