So, here are a bunch of pics. Although our lives have completely changed, there isn't really much to tell about. Life with 2 kids is actually harder than I thought. Everything we attempt to do has to be planned around "eating" time. The idea that mom sleeps when the baby sleeps doesn't apply when you have a 4 year old. But I will say how greatful I am to some amazing neighbors who have pretty much adopted Simon, so that has made things a little easier! Plus my mom has been an amazing help, and thanks to her I actually get to shower now and again. Ah, things will mellow out shortly I'm sure, and I will find my new rhythm....until than, here are some pics to enjoy!
My mom has this huge snowball bush in her back yard, and Simon discovered it also made a pretty great hut! Doesn't it look so fun?? I miss the days of finding/building huts!
And here are a few (ok....a lot) of pics of the beautiful Miss Lucy Mae! I think she is stunning!