Saturday, November 19, 2011


I could inundate you with a million pics from the last time I blogged

(but I won't).

This post is definitely going to be more for my own journaling purposes, but for those of you that wanted an updated pic of my kids feel free to skip all the ramblings and just sit back and admire my beauties! you go.

I decided to title this post simply "faith" because apparently that is what God is trying to help me learn. This last couple months have been life changing for me. I've had some big decisions to make....and a few that were made for me, and I feel like my life is in a completely different place right now than it was just a few months ago.

First, my job.

I have been struggling for a while now trying to figure out the work/life balance. I know there are many people out there that make it look easy, I was and am not one of them. Things kept popping in my mind that made me really feel like I needed to be home with my family more. I realized my wonderful babysitters saw my kids for more awake hours than I did and although I love them dearly, that bothered me.

I also realized that if there should be some sort of natural disaster the likelihood of me being with my kids was nil, and I hated the idea of someone else having to take care of the most important things to me in such a scary time.

Than I kept having a quote come into my head...

It's by Pres. Kimball (I believe) and it says "When you put God first, all other things fall into place, or fall out of your life completely".

So, I started to realize that in my job I was certainly putting my job first, my family second, and sadly God was coming in a close third.

So, I thought hard about it. Prayed about it. Ignored the answer I was getting for as long as I could. And than decided to step down. I was tired of the stress, the extra hours, and the bad mood and attitude that the stress was making me bring home to my family.

Now, I'm just a normal-payed-by-the-hour employee that has to ask permission to go on break....and I've never enjoyed my job more! I haven't been this happy at work in a really long time. Granted the significant pay decrease makes me want to vomit whenever I think about it, I have FAITH that Heavenly Father will help it all fall into place.


Cody and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary in Sept. Cody got me flowers, and I got him a positive pregnancy test. Yep, unplanned! I told him on the phone that I had gotten him something but I wasn't sure he would like it or not, and that it was unreturnable, so if he didn't like it I really needed him to pretend he did. This played a large role in me making the decision to step down at work. I figured since it was unplanned, that God clearly had a different plan in place for us.


Just when I had finally talked myself into being excited about having another baby, I went to the doctor for my first ultrasound. Everything looked normal, other than there was no heartbeat for the baby. I know that most women have at least one miscarriage in their life. And I think you always kind of prepare for that in the back of your head. But, truth be told it absolutely broke my heart. But again, I have FAITH that Heavenly Father has a plan for us, and this was something that we were meant to go through.

So, needless to life has changed significantly in the last few months. I've gone through some changes that have strengthened my testimony. I know a few things for sure. I would rather be poor, and live in the gutter, and be with my family....HAPPY, than to have more than enough money, never see my family and be miserable. I know that I wish I could see the whole "picture" of my life so I could better understand some of these trials that Heavenly Father makes us go through. But I also know that I need to just trust Him!

I know this was a lot of rambling to some of you. Again, this was more for my own journaling purposes. Everything else has been great! Simon is in kindergarten and is loving it! Lucy is about to start nursery and I'm loving that! We had a great Halloween, and we are looking forward to a great Holiday Season (with a lot less stress!!!!).

Friday, August 12, 2011

Busy Summer

Here is our no particular order.

Miss Mae learned to walk....

We cruised in true style...

Simon got some fishing in (or, maybe just some good boatin')...

We explored the wonders of Yellowstone (and indeed saw a couple bears!)...

Simon got some clubs and insisted on "looking at them" while he ate....

We had icecream....

Played with good friends....


Um....and had more icecream...

And played some serious T-Ball.....

Inbetween all these fun memories we made a ton more memories! It has been a great summer, and we are excited to start a new season with Kindergarten, Hoodies, Crispy Leaves, Halloween, and just maybe a little more icecream!!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Miss Mae Turns One!

I can hardly believe that it has already been a year since Lucy was born! She has grown and changed and blessed our lives so much! I can't imagine our life with out her!

Here is a little bit about our little girl.

Her name is Lucy Mae, but is often called Goose, Goosey, Miss Mae, or Lucy Goosey. Cody often calls her his princess.

Lucy has had such a calm temperment. Those who have baby sat her know what I mean. She never crys, goes right to sleep when its time to, and sleeps all night (thank you Goose!)....That is until she turned 1.

Now, Lucy is independant. She DOES NOT want help to do anything! She has a tantrum or two under her belt since turning 1. She has thrown herself dramatically on the floor (a trick I didn't think she would learn for at least another year.).

But....she still gives amazing loves with slobbery kisses and pats on the shoulder. She blows kisses. She pulls silly faces. She LOVES chocolate.

And she still sleeps through the night (thank you Goose!)

I can't imagine our lives without Lucy!
We are so blessed to have her!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Grandma Downs

Grandma Downs

I thought this was a great picture to begin this post with. This is my Grandma Downs holding Lucy on the day she was born. May 21, 2010.

Yesterday, May 21, 2011 Grandma Downs passed away.

Grandma was such an amazing woman and I am so proud of the heritage that her and my Grandpa Downs gave us. Grandma was such a fun lady and was always such a good sport with all our families adventures. Grandma hosted many, many, many cousin sleepovers, taught us lots of crafts, played many a game of Old Maid (and taught us how to be good sports.). Grandma made me beautiful dresses (and comfy undies), and always added a ribbon when she would braid my hair.

I will miss you very much Grandma!

Here are a few pics of my grandma. They are all of her holding Lucy. Simon is always on the run after a hug, so it's hard to get a pic of that kid. :)

Holding Lucy at the 4th of July parade in Hyrum. Another fun tradition that we shared with Grandma. We always watched the parade from her house.

Grandma holding Lucy on Christmas morning. It was so fun to have Grandma watch Simon and Lucy open presents from Santa on Christmas morning this last year.

Lucy also celebrated her 1st Birthday on May 21. So it was a bitter sweet day. I will post her birthday on a later date.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Simon: "Mom, do you think we could move the little TV downstairs in to my room?"

Me: "You'll have to take that one up with your dad."

Simon: "That's never gonna happen!"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Simon Says

A few more Simon Says moments I wanted to be sure and capture before I forgot them...

I showed Simon a picture of a darling little home made bowtie and asked him if I made one if he would wear it. His response "Mom, you only wear one of those if your getting married....or if you are going to kiss a girl."

"Mom, when I'm older I'm going to live in my own house." (thinking for a second)..."but I'm going to have to borrow your car."

Gosh, I love that kid!!! He makes me smile at least once every day (even when I am utterly frustrated with him).

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gettin' Big

My kids are getting bigger and I'm not liking it!'s a little fun to hear some of the grown up conversations Simon has now. And it's fun to see Lucy try her best to crawl. But I think you moms know what I'm talking about when I say I want my kids to be little forever!
Simon is a CTR now, and he takes this very seriously!
One day he was being particularly naughty and he finally broke down crying and explained "Mom, it's because I'm not wearing my CTR ring!" He also has mentioned "Why do we always have to chose the right? Why can't we sometimes chose the left?" We are learning.... :)

Well, now that Simon is "all grown up and is a CTR now", he has decided that it's time to shave. If you all remember, he had a phase where he was absolutly sure he was a of course he is sure he has a ton of facial hair. It's pretty funny!

Simon has also been spending some good times out in the snow with his BFF's. Such a handsome kid!!!

From left to right....Kamden, Avery, Cason, Simon, Dirky.

Lucy is also growing so much faster than I want her to! Here are just a few random pics so you all can see just how beautiful she is.

Ugh....those eyes....I swear!

I'm not 100% certain, but I think Lucy has Grandpa wrapped around her little finger!

Anyway, we have had tons of fun since my last post! Christmas was fantastic, New Years was uneventful but fun, and work has been good!
We are pretty boring around here, but entirely happy!