So, it's been a bit since my last post and things are going wonderfully! I am in love with this new life I have. I am loving having more time with my family, more time for my church callings, and more time to [attempt] to clean my house. I also have started cooking! [gasp]. I love getting Simon off to school every morning, and having a little solo time with Lucifer [Lucy] before he gets home. It allows me to give 110% when I am at work, which is nice as well!
I honestly don't even miss the significant pay decrease. Honestly! I have an amazing testimony of tithing, because somehow it's all working out! I also am really enjoying the challenge/creativity that comes with pinching pennies. Honestly!
One of my favorite penny pinching finds right now has been home made laundry detergent. I was super hesitant when I first saw this. Then I saw how easy it was. Then I saw the 406 amazing comments (not one bad one!). Then I saw how much money I could save. SOLD! So, I tried it. And I love it!!!!
Go to to see the ingredients/instructions, and all the fantastic comments. $20 is all it takes to get all the ingredients, and it should last 9 months to a year!! Try it...I dare you! If anyone has any other awesome money saving finds, I'd love to hear them!!
[I promise one of these next days I'll get some pics of the kids on here.]