We rang in the New Year with Cody's family at Hayley's house! We had so much food it was ridiculous (but what else is new when the Johnsons celebrate!). We played games and had a great time. I had some great black-mail videos of Travis belly dancing (no I'm not joking, and no he wasn't drunk!), but somehow when I wasn't looking he stole my camera and erased it! Revenge sucks Trav!

Me and my neice Caesy. She is getting so grown up it pretty much kills me!

One of my favorite things about the Holidays is spending time with family. Fortunatly for Cody and I our families live very close and we get to hang out with them often. I'm go glad that we are able to have such a great friendship with Codys sister Hayley and her family.

On Christmas morning Simon opened his stocking and immediatly went to the candy. He didn't even care about the other presents. Note to Santa for next year!

We played a game at Grandmas Christmas party that involved candy. Simon was pretty sneaky and the "choc-o-holic" that he is was caught red handed with more than his share!

Simon had so much fun at Grandma Nymans Christmas party. He waited patiently for his turn to open a present!
Basically he is the cutest fetcher ever! I just love him! And he finally calls me Aunt Jen instead of me thinking that my name is "where's soto?" He loves Soto! Don't we all. I was wishing that we could have all stayed xmas eve together and did santa together. (we would be stupid), but it would be fun! Maybe a little idea for a few years down the road. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
I can't wait to see the black mail you have planned for Trav. Love you.
Sopundsa like you guys had a good christmas and new years!
Oh I love all the pics! Keep them comin!
I was already missing you guys on New Years, but now I'm just ticked that I missed the belly-dancing!
Just thinking about the food Aunt Linda made makes my mouth water. How fun you guys got to party. I love the pix of Simon in the suit, the cutest thing ever!
Hi Amy! Thanks for the sweet post! It's so good to hear from you. It's so good to see that your doing good! your little family is beautiful. Isn't this blogging world so small... It's amazing the people you find isn't it!!
"oh hello... this is your blog speaking.... UPDATE ME! UPDATE ME!!!!"
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