Friday, February 8, 2008

Tiny Moments Day 2

We have been attempting to potty train Simon. So, that's my Tiny Moment for the day! I'm so proud of him for trying! He is still pretty young, but he definatly has an interest in, Hey, why not?
Um, yes he has a toy gun ! I hate that thing- and I'm confident that it will accidentally get broke! He likes to hold it while he sits on the potty. He's kind of a weirdo!


Melissa Hernandez said...

what a cute idea! every day is so precious with these cuties. But, I love that Simon is deer hunting while going to the potty. that's awesome. you can never be too careful while on the pot, someone might walk in on you, and it looks like he is ready to take em down :)

Hayley said...

Sienna doesn't give a crap (pun intented) about her potty yet. She just loves to put crayons in there. He is wonderful. I hope you are feeling better, we miss you guys.

The Wolfley Family said...

That is too great that he is already trying! I'm with you on the toy gun! My kids keep getting them, and they keep ending up lost...

Hayley said...

I know you are blogging right now because you just left me a comment, so I will just say it. I miss you too.

Soto family said...

I love my simon! Thanks for coming to Caesy's game. It meant a lot to her! and it was fun to see Simon! He is my little buddy! We love you guys!