Friday, April 4, 2008

Enjoying Some Sun!

It was such a nice day yesterday I decided to take Simon to the park by Grandmas house. He so loves being outside. Usually it's a battle to get him to come back inside, but can you blame the kid? I think we are all a little tired of being cooped up!

Usually Simon loves going down the slide, but this day he wasn't having it! Grandma, bless her soul, even tried "showing" him just how fun it was! Apparently Grandma didn't make it look too fun, he still didn't want anything to do with it! Nice try though sure did make my day!

I guess you could say this was Simons first time "running away from home". Of course he really wasn't. We keep this suitcase full of toys for when he used to go to Kelsies. Well, I guess the last time he went Cody just left his suitcase in the garage. So, I couldn't pass up the photo opp.

I vividly remember my brother truckin' it down the road when he was really little with his suitcase all packed. If I remember right all he had packed in there was some spare underware. Good boy Greg, mom taught you well! Never leave home with dirty undies!


Hayley said...

Cody's usually run away attire consisted of nothing but a loaf of bread. Who needs clean undies when you have a loaf of wonderbread? These pics are great, I love Tana going down the slide. Very cute!

Soto family said...

Love, auntie jen.

Hayley said...

I just read Travis your comment about Shaving your legs, and he gave me his best "Travis Laugh."
Just thought I would let you know.

The Allen Family said...

I would love to take some pictures of Simon. I am leaving for New Mexico next Thursady, but if you would like to do them before just let me know and we can get them done! Give me a call if you want to set up a time and we will talk more. 881-2148

Bre said...

That is really funny, I love that "grandma" tried to show him. Kids just care, its all about if and when they want to right?!:) What a cute kid! I love the pictures of him running from home, that is too funny!

Anonymous said...

So fun to get outside. Your Mom is so fun! Cute pictures!

Stacey Irwin said...

If I never told you .. you have the cutest mom ever!!! I just love that Tana Bean! So a rock in you shoe. is it wrong to laugh and roll my eyes at you... what is with you and rocks!! seriously?!
Simons suit case pic is darling...Wait till they really try. . .even tho it's dramatic... its hard not to laugh!
We too have been out running out some of the winter energy. I have made the kids do a couple laps around the playground("races") just to garuntee tired children!

Amber said...

That is too funny! Isn't it nice that his suitcase has wheels? If he really wants to leave home he can book it out of there in a hurry!

Hayley said...

I just looked at Stephenie Meyers website. Those songs are songs she picked as a soundtrack to the book...not a soundtrack to the movie. There is still Dashboard Confessionals hope out there!

Morrells said...

Your little boy is so cute! That is so funny that he was headed out with his suitcase and all.

Melissa Hernandez said...

He is such a QT. He looks like such a big boy in his cute little athletic coat. He is going to be a heartbreaker Amy!

Anonymous said...

I just love your mom! She's a hoot! Simon talks about her all the time when he is here. When we went to the playground last week when he was here, I tried to get him to sit on my lap to go down the "big" slide (over behind the City Offices). He politely declined :>! He was much more interested in climbing on the stairs by the baseball field and digging in the sand. He did sit on the slide for me while I snapped a picture, though. That's progress, huh! :) I'll have to send you the pictures when I get them off my camera!

Sandy said...

Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you found me and left a little message. This blogging thing is a riot. It's been fun seeing who "finds" you and then seeing what they are up to. Your little boy is adorable and it looks like he and Cody are great buddies. Tell Cody hi. I put you blog on my blog role, hope that's ok. Happy Thursday!