Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Newest Obsession!

This is my newest obsession for the moment! Have you seen the show? I sit by myself and laugh so hard that I ought to be entered into an asylum! These guys are so funny and have just way too much time on their hands! My particular favorite is the episode where Rob's parents come to visit him. If you haven't seen the show yet, I strongly suggest watching....but you might want to have a spare change of pants handy! :) As a side note, if any of you know my brother and his friend will get an extra laugh!


Hayley said...

But is it as good as your beloved Rock of Love?

The Allen Family said...

We love this show!

Ash said...

I've never even heard of that show, it must not be on Nick Jr. or Disney:) I'm curious now. I'll let you know what I think!

Soto family said...

Ya, my hubby thinks it's the funniest thing. I think it's dumb. Sorry Ames. I also thought Lord of the Rings was dumb too. And Lady in the Water. And The Importance of Being Earnest! :)

Stacey Irwin said...

I will have to check it out! I'm always looking for pee your pants hilarious... I will let you know.