Sunday, June 1, 2008

What I've been up to!

I really am not doing a great job with keeping up on my blog! I really have been so much busier at work and Simon seems to be taking up a lot more of my time (who knew 2 year olds were so demanding????). But, I will admit, when I have had a few extra moments, this is what I have been obsessed with.....

Now, some of you may have already read it so you will know why I'm not blogging much! I love this book! I was obsessed with the Twilight series so I was super stoked to pick up her newest book! Now, if your expecting another "Twilight"..don't. It is nothing like her last books, yet equally as least I think so! Has anyone else read this yet? Did you like it??? That's all I've got for tonight! I've found a couple new blogs that I'm excited to go check, later!


Hayley said...

Now I need you to finish this book for 2 reasons.

1. I miss your witty blogging skills.

2. I need you to finish it so my cheap a*s can borrow it!

Kelsie said...

I am reading this right now! How far into it are you? Did you know that Jayne just finished it last night, and she told me that she bawled at the ending! Oh I can't wait to finish it! In fact, I am going to go read right now!!

Stacey Irwin said...

It looks like I have a new book to pick up. which one should I start with? I so miss your blogging although I admit I felt better about not updating since hardly no one on my list did either.. see doesn't that make you feel better?
No but your blogs are funny and I need my Lou humor. so finish the book asap!

The Allen Family said...

I loved the Twilight series! I haven't been to sure if I would like this one, but if you say so I will try it!

Amber said...

I've heard that this book is great - so now I can forgive you for not blogging so much. Although...I'm definitely not posting as much as I used to. Guess that's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black eh?

The Buys said...

Good to see That we've all been too busy being lazy to blog. That's what summer is for right?

Hobbs Family said...

I read the first three chapters, but I couldn't get into it...maybe I'll try again.

Hanne and Fam said...

I want to read this book but I will probably have to wait awhile, errrr!

Stacey Crandall said...

amY, I am just starting this Book. Well, just getting to about pg. 100. I have found it hard to read so far. I keep thinking what!!! WHo?? But I feel like I am just getting to know the characters and get the story line. But I love her and hear its great..... Where are you in the book now?? any words??? Stacey

Jayne & McKay said...

Amy! OMG, I just love that you posted about the host and that I am cool enough now to be a fellow blogger! I just need to know if you finished it, cause I just have so many things we need to chat about involving it! Hope you don't miss me too much already!