I think about 8 of my links have been doing this, and it seems like fun, so here you go.
1. Leave one memory that you and I had together, as a comment on my blog. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
4 years ago
You took mine! I will never forget the water breaking moment, and the polite way you interuppted me to run to the bathroom without ruining my carpet...good times.
A few more.
The night you told us you were pregnant with Simon, and the night I told you I was pregnant with Adyson (I was sobbing). And when I told you I was pregnant with Enna I was nervous I was steeling your thunder.
Complaining about our backs hurting, Cody telling Trav he loves him, Park City and public monopoly, with Tourists thinking we were locals...for some reason.
I am lucky you are my sil. LUCKY!-oh and that reminds me of watching Napoleon Dynamite and thinking we all might pee our pants from laughing so hard.
Sitting in the admin office, crying over our conversation about our husbands.
Riding 36 miles with you in the little red riding hood, trying not to die! Feeling so proud of us that we all finished.
Walking with you around the track at the field house for an hour talking the entire time!
The first time that you brought Simon and your mom to my house! I was so nervous to make a good impression and so excited to meet him at the same time!
I am so glad that you are my friend! Look at our great memories!
oh heavens.. lou where to start.. we go too far back...alright. he we go..
1. Sleep overs where we thought it was great idea to stay up all night.. getting high on nail polish remover.. walking to 7 eleven to get a drink at 5 a.m. and laughing our A's off in front of Walkins.house cause we were high, exhausted and strung up on Caffine!
all the walks( I'll meet you half way!) that I'm pretty sure convinced people we were crazy.
DROP DEAD FRED . . need I say more?
oh and Empire Records..
and the first time you slept over at my house and I convinced you that being attacked by my cat was fun!
having debates with my dad....
and watching your mom be an ostrich at midnight while she made us dinner...
aww the memories! ( i'm still chuckling!!)
Holy Crap, where to begin.
hmmm. I'll just say Sam Goody and that should cover it.
Love you!
Too too too many to list. Here are a few of my favs...
Childhood: I did not even touch you when you hurt your back on the bunk beds and I got the beating! Remember how greggie used to "saw off" the barbie's you-know-whats?
SHOE GAME. Need I say more?
Apartment living: Pledge is NOT air freshener! (You're picturing it, aren't you.) Poor Caesy.
Calzones. Asking Cody what his "intentions" were with my sister. Hiding from certain guests. (Where is he now, anyway?) Bringing Caes to you in your bed before I left for work in the morning. Watching TV on your new tv.
Disneyland.... Uncle Teacup.
I could go on and on and on and on. Playing school and sharing the chalk board, and fighting over the good eraser..... so many!!!!! I love you SISTA!!!!!
Caesy just read your post about freckles. She just grinned and said "I guess I was wrong about freckles." Thanks so much AMES! What an awesome Aunt you are!!!!!
Definately driving back to our campsite from shopping in Jackson Hole while you told us about meeting Cody. It was so great to see my brother through your eyes and I just kept thinking how great it was that someone could finally see all that in him.
Plus, we'll always have "Alaska"!
Alaska is not an island. LOL!!!!
Do you remember the good ol' days before "Caller ID" existed! Me and you took my mom's Christmas TAPE, and there was a song on it called "Jingle Bells-laughing all the way" The guy on the song laughed out the entire song of Jingle-Bells. We called tons of people around Christmas time and we played this song and then hung up on them!! We had to control ourselves from laughing during the call because we thought we were sooooo funny!!
Girls Camp every year, need I say anymore? WE had some fun times, we were total goofballs!!!
Speaking of Alaska. Monday me and Trav were driving and the car in front of us had An Ak liscence plate. Trav was "amazed" that they drove all the way here.
:), Then we talked of you!
I see you've added a new lovely side bar addition.
You seem to have forgotten
pelts...(animal poo?)
fractions...(6 quarters is 1.50)
Missing you. Loads.
Bear Lake reunions and family Christmas parties. I have always thought you are a pretty girl with a fun personality. Reading your blog is always entertaining.
I remember you from high school and how nice you were to everyone- then I remember seeing you later on in Sam Goody when I'd go in there and you would chat with me there:) even though I didn't know you way good, you were always nice to talk to me when I'd come in to buy music! And you and Mindy were always doing something crazy or laughing when I'd go in! ha
I noticed you commented on my blog about what those girls are up to- most of them have blogs and I added them to my blogroll so you'll have to check them out- Cindy, Katie, Jill, &Tauna all have one and Lisa and Britnee said they'd start one soon, so we can spy on them too once they make one....:)
Okay Amy so this is my one and only official memory of you though Stacey has told me so many that I have almost peed my pants,
After Stacey and I went to Chicago, you asked her if it was okay to be jealous. I felt very honored and a little scared you wouldn't like us hanging out together. But Stacey said you are so cool. I love having Stacey as a friend and hearing about all of your crazy times growing up!
Car wars that got out of hand and made a certain father particularly upset after a 3 AM car washing session.
Am, you must feel so loved. Look at all the comments you have on here!!! Well, I must say to you that I have really loved reading your blog. When Jen and I were growing up you were, you know, the little sister. Don't get me wrong you were a great little sister.... but I have really enjoyed the last couple years talking to ya here and there and getting to know you and talking to you.... making a friendship with you!! Your funny and great to be around. I saw cute Simon at your moms last night. He is such a QT!!
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