Thursday, June 25, 2009

Words of Advice

I was browsing a very good friend of mines blog, and saw this quote and I was so greatful to have seen it! Thank you Merrilee for posting it. Sometimes I look back on things and think "this isn't exactly what I had planned". I didn't want to be a full time working mom when I was little! I wanted to be home playing with my kids, making a delicious meal for my family, finishing the last touches on a beautifully cleaned house as my husband walks in from work. Sound a little "Brady Bunch" huh? None the less, it was my dream. Here I am living Plan B. Don't get me wrong....I am sooooo happy! I have an amazing husband who loves us and supports us, and I'm sure at times feels the same way I do since he is the one having to make the delicious meals for us, and he is often the one having to straighten up our house as I walk through the door from a long day at work. So, although I am extrememly happy, sometimes I start to get a little selfish and think....why can't I have that dream again? So, I absolutly loved this quote and it put things into perspective for me.
"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around and shouting that he has been robbed. The fact of the matter is that most putts don't drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time rail journey...delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."
Gordon B. Hinckley


Stacey Irwin said...

aww LOU. Well if it makes you feel better I too had the same thought, Yet I stay home all day, and still find it impossible to keep the house clean, and usually dinner is something just thrown together. And sometimes I think, why on earth do I stay home. ( I get soo bored!The constant picking up,settling fights etc. gets old day in and day out!)

I think that quote is perfect! And I'm glad you found it and posted it!
just so ya know, I think you rock for doing all that you do! and your an awesome mom!

Hanne and Fam said...

You have no idea how much I needed that today. Thanks Amy!

Hawks Family said...

Nice thought! I needed to hear that today. Sometimes I get down about life not being as I would like, but I think it's important for me to remember all the things that I do have - helps keep things in perspective. Thanks for sharing!

Kylie said...

Wow, what a great reminder. Thanks for sharing!

The Robbins said...

I just love that quote. I tear up almost every time I read it.

Hayley said...


I hope you know that I think you and Cody are both pretty amazing parents, and even though this isn't what you thought your life would look like, you guys do a bang up job raising little

I always thought I'd be rich, skinny, and living in the city.

0/3 aint bad....

The Wolfley Family said...

I'm thinking I need to frame that quote!
Thanks for sharing and FTR- you guys are awesome parents and great friends!

Candice said...

Thanks Amy :) I needed that little reminder too. I was blog hoppin last night and looked at one of my old friends blog. They had posted about the stuggles their sweet little 2 year old has had since birth. the last post was about her dads donation of his own kidney to give her little body a fighting chance. Jacque talked about how she spends what ever time she can with her little one by painting her little nails pink and putting bows in her hair. I sat back and cried realizing how Blessed I am to have my three healthy children. I need to be thankful for every moment I do have. seize the moments and like the quote says Enjoy the Ride! Hope all is well! Thanks for some great words of advice!!!

JaimeW said...

That is so perfect all us moms need to read that!!! I heard your mom was in the hospital. How is she doing?