Monday, October 26, 2009

Just Stuff...

I know I suck at updating my blog! Wait....don't I say that in every post? Well, here is literally a huge download of what has been going on with our family this past couple months.
Quite a few weeks ago we decided we needed to hit the zoo one last time before the weather changed. It was a lot of fun. Simon loves the zoo and is such an animal kid! My favorite part was all the baby's at the zoo. The baby elephant was so fun to watch, I could have watched her all day long!

The giraffes (hmmm...I don't think they tell you how to spell that in school!) are one of my favorites.

The baby giraffe.

So, me being the brilliant mom that I am taught my kid (keep in mind, I sometimes don't think things through very well) to do the fist pump thing to get semi's to honk at you. Every kid should know how to do this, right? Well, being the adult in this fun game soon (very soon) found out just how annoying this game could be! Simon did this the ENTIRE way home!!! Ugh!

So, in other news...after feeling pretty crappy all weekend long I decided to take one of these fabulous tests....and lo and behold....Simon is finally going to be a big brother! We are indeed pretty excited about this! Simon says it's a girl and her name is Sally. Hmmm....we are going to need to think about that one. But it is interesting that he hasn't once wavered on whether it's a boy or a girl. Intuition? Anyway, I'm supposedly due on May 20th. And believe me when I say it's going to be a looooong 9 months! I have been so sick and just overall blah. I hope this stage soon passes!

Anyway, I caught this pic of Simon (that's a guilty face if I've ever seen one!). He has decided that he likes to sit behind the rocking chair in his room and break his crayons in half. Strange, I know! But it was funny to catch him in the act!

This is Simons new big boy bed (just waiting for Cody to build the headboard). Now that he is going to be a big brother, he needs a big boy bed. He loves it and is pretty good at going to bed now! Yeah! Now we gotta finish a room in the basement for him so we can have the nursery back!

I also took Simon, Sienna, and Ady out to gather leaves around the block. Simon and Sienna needed them for pre-school, and Ady loves stuff like that, so it was fun! We had to stop at every single house on our journey, so it was a pretty long stroll around the block!

Simon and I also decided to make some halloween cookies. He loves helping in the kitchen, and I usually don't have the patience to let him. We had a good time. Sorry that I didn't bring anyone frosted ghost cookies, but if you saw the amount of coughing on these cookies that took place you would have been so grossed out.

Simon helped rake the very few leaves from our very small tree this morning.
And Hayley invited us to go with her and Sienna and Ady's kindergarden class to the pumpkin walk. It was so nice to go in the day when it's not so cold, not so crowded, and so much more enjoyable! It was a fun day!
Anyway, that has been a quick recap of what's been going on in our lives lately.