Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Wonderful Holiday!

Awww....Christmas finally came and was wonderful! Aside from everyone being sick (but it sounds like everyone was sick this year!) we had a great Christmas! We enjoyed visiting with family that we don't often see (thank you blogger for keeping us connected!). And I enjoyed being a kid again on Christmas Eve and playing the fun kid games and being excited for Santa to come! We spent Christmas Eve this year with the Johnson Clan and we had so much fun! All the kids got new Christmas PJ's and Simon was so excited to get them on!
Christmas morning was spent at home where Santa could be sure to find us (and boy did he!). Simon ran right past all his gifts to look out the window to see if he could see Santa. My mom and dad came over Christmas morning to see what Santa brought. It was so great to not worry about work and to just enjoy the day. I wish I could say the same for Cody though....he was pretty dang sick on Christmas Day and has been sick since! Poor guy! I finally got sick on the day after Christmas and have been sick ever since as well.....so it hasn't really been a fun weekend! Anyway, here are just a few of the many many many pics that I took. And seeing as how my cough medicine has just now kicked in it will be wise for me to end this post! Nothing good ever comes from "drunk blogging!" Hope you all had a great Holiday Season!

Simon and Sienna....innocent? I think not!

Me and Simon getting our gingerbread house decorated.

Simon definatly did not win the candy bar sleigh race....but you would never know it by this pic!

Simon and Sienna at grandma Linda's Christmas party.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Just for Fun!

Just playing with "picnik" for a little while. OK, like for a couple hours! It's so addicting!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Some Holiday Moments

So tonight was moms anual "Lighting Ceremony" Christmas Party. It's probably one of my favorite events of the year! I can't believe our family is actually getting big enough that we can have our own Christmas party without joining up with cousins and such (I don't mean that to sound bad....I love the cousins party too!). Simon had so much fun and as always is attached to Sid at the hip!! We had yummy dinner and than made gingerbread houses.
Here is Simon displaying his work of art! Don't mind the "bowl hat". Weirdo!

My mom's tree this year is a must see! Apparently she asked my dad to help decorate the tree and this is his idea of decorating! The picture really doesn't do it justice! Knowing my mom she will keep it up this way all season just to prove a point!
Santa visited the mall again this year and Simon got to give him his wish list (which consisted of "a toy"....that's what he told Santa he wanted!).

And he got these wonderfully cute Christmas socks in the mail from my Grandma Downs. He freaking loves them!!!! Can you see how excited he is???

Hope you all are having a fun Holiday season so far!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey, Christmas Lights, and Some Funny New Words!

So, let me start off by saying this has been one of the crappiest week ever! I have had the absolute worst head cold that I have ever had. In fact, at this very moment I am super doped up on cough syrup, Mucinex (the good stuff that you have to fill out a form to get), and sleeping pills since I have to get up for work at 2:00am (that's right, I said a.m.). So, if this post doesn't make much sense, I blame all of those things! Anyway, so....work has sucked trying to get everything ready for Black Friday (might I add, I hate all you early bird shoppers that make me hate Black Friday!!!) :) So, I have been miserably sick all week....but how cute is my kid that on his own, he asked Cody if he could buy me a flower to help me feel better! Break my heart!!! So this is a pic of the beautiful flower that he picked out for me to help me get better! The vase is huge, but it's the only one I had (and at least it wasn't an empty milk jug....that one was for you Mike!) How could you not feel better after such a sweet gesture??

With this head cold I have also lost my voice. In fact it hurts pretty bad to talk. Of course this is the time that Simon decides he wants me to read to him constantly. It was so funny cause the night he brought me the flower he asked me to read him a story. I explained that my voice was gone and that it hurt me to talk so I couldn't read a story. My cute kid looks up at me with his puppy dog eyes and says "but I bought you a flower so you would feel better!". So sweet, right? Broke my heart, so of course I cowboy'd up and read him a couple stories!!

So, speaking of funny things Simon is saying right now.....he came home from Grandma Tana's the other day and told me that he "bumped his uncle". Of course I made him repeat this numerous times cause I just didn't understand. Finally he pointed to his elbow and said again, "I bumped my uncle!". I love it when kids just can't get the word right! I laughed pretty hard (which did not feel so good on my throat!)

This is Simons "uncle".

This morning I woke up to Simon asking for his "boggels". I again couldn't figure out what he was talking about. Finally I went into his room and found him hard at work "fixing" his bed with his screwdriver. And of course he was wearing his "boggels". It was so cute! He will wear those "boggels" all day if you let him! Thanks Trayson for letting him borrow your tools! He loves them!!!

Today was also Christmas decorating day! Well, at least for the outside! Cody surprisingly loves to decorate outside for Christmas! He gets pretty excited and of course we ususally end up with some new decoration. I think this year he has decided he wants a giant wreath to put above the garage. Anyway, Simon thought it was pretty fun to help!!!

Than at last it was time for the turkey!!! My favorite dinner of all times!! This year we went to my grandma and grandpa Nymans. There weren't too many of us there this year. I can't remember a time when there was so few for Thanksgiving. But it was nice because we all got to chat. Sometimes there is just so many people that you don't really get to talk to anyone.

Simon had to show us his big "Incredible Hulk" muscles after he ate!

Simon and Great Grandpa Nyman

Simon and Great Grandma Nyman. She is soooo tiny!!!

And of course we ended the night with turning on our Christmas lights!

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Be nice to your cashiers if you go out shopping!

Monday, November 3, 2008

He Melts My Heart!

I've been thinking a lot lately about how my little boy is just that....a little BOY! I'm amazed at all the "little boy" things that Simon does even though he's surrounded by girls all the time (no offense Ady, Sienna, Jaycee and Hannah). I used to say that boys come out of the womb making machine gun noises (somehow girls can't make that noise), but now I really do believe that! Although he is around little girls as his play mates he has somehow learned a few things like....
How to "punch fight" and make the punching noise with his mouth.
How to "sword fight" and make the sword clashing noise with his mouth.
How to tackle (and actually take you down).
How to love watching Star Wars over and over and over and over.
How to call Barbie comercials "stupid".
How to pick his nose and wipe it on anything, anywhere.
How to "rock on" like any rock star would.
How to laugh at a fart...anytime, anywhere.
Not sure if this one fits in here...but he somehow has learned how to comb my hair like a "Jedi Princess". (OK, that's just sweet!)
He'll run around in a diaper, with his "big boy" underwear pulled up around his chest (all of this through one leg hole), his spiderman socks pulled clear up to his knees, his sunglasses with no lenses on, and pretend that he's a super hero (He is to me!).
Where did he learn all this??? I guess boys are just boys and you can't do anything about it. But I don't think I would anyway....I love Simon so much and have so much fun watching his imagination grow. I find myself laughing so hard I almost pee my pants some days!
I love you Simon!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Greg!

So, Sunday night my family got together for my brothers birthday and had a little Halloween Party! It was so fun being together. I didn't realize everyone was dressing up (I thought it was just the kids), so Mom borrowed me a crazy hat and tie. Cody and my dad were party poopers and wouldn't wear anything to dress up! Losers! Even my Grandma Downs came dressed up as Old Mother Hubbard. It was so fun!
Simon is a monkey and I'd say it fits his personality right now.
Greg and Miranda....always such good sports!

Jen had a pretty impressive Edward Sissorhands (uh...how do you spell that?)

Greg and my mom.....aw, I love my mom! She is always up for a good time!

After dinner we stripped our costumes and did us a little pumpkin decorating. Simon was so excited to pick out his pumpkin, and I think he picked out the perfect one. From the look on his face, he thought so too!

Of course there is always time for fun and games afterward! Thanks mom for throwing such a great party! Happy Birthday Geek!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My boys!

Somehow I missed this picture as I was thumbing through what I wanted to post! I instantly sighed and thought "I love my boys!" I love how tender Simon is. When he feels like hugging you, he'll hug you! So many times he'll just look up and say "I love you!" just cause he wants to! And by the way....I have to add....doesn't Cody look so rugged and handsome???? My, my, my! :)

A Weekend with the Wolfleys

I know you may think it's a miracle.....2 posts in the same month! Well, hold on to your hats folks....I've got more to come! I'm slowly catching up on my blog with all of the events that have happened this month! There's just too much for one post! Be patient mom, I'll do the Halloween Party tomorrow! :) So, a couple weeks ago we got to spend the weekend in Mt. Home with Heather and Jody and their family! It's always so fun to get out of the valley (although Mt. Home really is nothing much to behold!) and it was great to see the family!
Simon was so excited all week to ride Jody's new horse "Suger Legs", but shocker, once we got there he wouldn't go near the horses!
Mike had an eventful ride wich consisted of Suger Legs taking off on a little jont! Does Mike look a little nervous???
Here's my proof that I rode the horse! Trayson is on the horse in front and Kutter is sitting behind me. I loved the ride. The weather was warm and the rocking motion of the horses walking almost put me to sleep!
We also got to launch a rocket (boys and their toys...and I mean Mike, Cody, and Jody!). All of the kids got a chance to launch one. It was fun to watch the "big boys" have fun with it!

Pretty much Simon and Kutter were inseperable. I loved watching how rough and sweet Simon could be all at the same time!

They Rocked it Hard!!!

Brielle loves the horses! She pretty much has no fear and I caught this picture of her trying to give it a kiss! She is so sweet!!!

Simon thought it was pretty cool to not be the "baby" and he was pretty sweet with little Brielle! He sure does love her and as rough as he can be with the boys, he is sweet as can be with her!

This was what you would see most of the trip. Simon thought it was great that Kutter would let him ride him around like a horse! They laughed and played this little game most of the trip! Sorry Kutter....but thanks for being such a great sport!

Best Buds!!!

And of course, no trip is complete without a little story time with Uncle Cody!!! Cody sure does love his nieces and nephews!

Thanks Wolfley Clan for letting us bombard your home and showing us such a fun time!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

So much going on....too little time!

So much has been happening since my last post....sorry for all the pics! It's been a busy couple months! Caesy had a sleepover with us one night and Simon had a blast! He sure does love all his cousins! Me and Caesy stayed up way too late doing our nails and watching a chick flick! Then she came to church with us. Simon was in heaven having Caesy to entertain him through the meetings!

Earlier in the month we went with the Johnsons to Hogle Zoo. It was so fun! Simon loves to see all the animals. The temperature was just right and we really enjoyed ourselves!

I loved seeing thier faces in "awe". These two are so fun to watch. They fight like brother and sister, but they always seem to get over it and have started playing really good together. I'm so glad Simon has a cousin his age that can be his best friend!

Me and Ady were "twins" that day. We both had blue on, so I wanted a pic of us together!

What can I say....so cute right?

Hayley, Travis, Sienna and Ady

Once again, one of the few moments when these two are being cute together! Simon is being the gentleman and helping Enna balance! It just melts my heart!
That's all I'm going to bore you with right now! We also went to Mt. Home to visit the Wolfleys and I have a TON of pictures from that. Also, we just had our pumpkin carving night with my family and celebrated Greg's birthday....but I'll have to post all that hopefully tomorrow! Pumpkin Walk- Here We Come!!!