Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Feeling Better!

So, all day I was feeling a little bummed about my fabulous parenting skills (see post below for full story). I know that it was comical...believe me, it took everything I had not to laugh when Simon said those things! But it did actually make me feel a little bit like I'm not raising my kid right. Cody says I'm really good at taking something that's "not a big deal" and working it over in my mind until I have 10 zits and an ulcer and all of a sudden it's the end of the world! Well, I came home from work tonight and was watching one of my favorite TV shows "Still Standing". If you have ever seen this show you will understand why it made me feel better! This couple is pretty much a perfect comparison to me and Cody (if only I looked like Judy!), but it made me feel a little more normal!

Parenting 101: FAILED!

I just have to quickly post a few of the comments my 2 year old has made today!
First, I was attempting to get his pull-ups on him (because he refuses to wear his diaper some days) and I said "If you don't get dressed we can't go play outside!" Usually this works miraculously, but today the response I got from my kid was "Bite me!" Yep, you heard two year old has turned into a teenager! That's not all. As I was sitting down to some delicious pancackes Simon decided to climb up on the table. I kindly asked him to please get off the table. His response "Fine! Relax!" What????? Are you kidding me??? Nope, still not done. So, I'm in the bathroom getting ready for work and he's sitting on the floor playing with a shoe box. I'm not sure what triggered this but out of his mouth I hear "Holy S***". Where have I gone wrong??? This was a huge wake up call for me that my kid will repeat ANYTHING that he hears you say! So, I guess I've got to clean up my act! As my mom would say, I guess I need to re-enroll in parenting 101!! My apologies to the moms that may hear this out of your kids mouth.....Simon probably taught it to them!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day Weekend

What a fabulous weekend! This year we decided to spend Saturday with my mom for Mothers Day and Sunday with Linda. That way we aren't so stressed out trying to spend quality time with both of them. So, on Saturday Greg, Miranda, and Sid came down and Caesy was there and we went to the Health Days parade. Simon loved it! It was a little cold for me and Miranda, but it was worth it cause the kids had so much fun! It was fun to also have my Grandma Downs there with us this year!

It so fun watching Cody be such a great dad! He loves doing all these activities with Simon. He really liked showing Simon the "fast cars" in the parade.
After the parade we went back to my parents house for a cookout and some much needed relaxation! I'm pretty sure Greg got uncle of the year for playing with all the kids! Poor Miranda has to deal with two kids all the time!!! :) No, Greg is so fun with the kids, they love him!!
And of course, anytime I can get a picture of Caesy and her beautiful freckles, I must do it! I love her so much! She is getting so grown up!
Sunday we spent the day with the Johnsons. It was so great to see Heather and Jody and the kids. Sorry I have no pictures from battery died!!!! AGHHHH!
Anyway, we had an amazing dinner and played some games. Simon sure does love his cousins! He needs that "boy bonding" time! He was so wore out when we got home! He played pretty hard with them! It's amazing to me how he can be so rough with the boys and then so gentle with little Brielle! It's pretty great!
I had an awesome Mothers Day! I got a fabulous card from Cody and Simon (what is it about your kids scribbley pictures that can melt your heart?). I got Mario Kart for the Wii for mothers day, but I couldn't wait for, I've been playing with that for a couple days now! So fun!!!
Anyway....Happy Mothers Day to all those fabulous Mothers out there! I love all the moms in my life and I appreciate all they do for me and my family!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

An Update! (No it's not the end of the world!)

OK, OK....I've been a little absent from the blogging world lately! My apologies to all of those that actually find my life interesting enough to be mad that I haven't blogged for awhile!
I have been so busy!!! Here's the low down..... Usually when my life is too busy to blog I can always make a little time at work for it (shhhh, don't tell!), but work right now has been even busier!! We just got a new general manager (the 5th one in 4 years....sounds like great job security, eh?) and he has us doing a lot!!! I am such a big fan of this guy! I actually enjoy my job right now! He is super motivating and he inspires me daily to do my best! I know that sounds super lame and cheesy, but I'm so tired of crappy managers! I have had one other great manager in my 4 years at Best Buy and it's amazing the difference it makes! If I'm stuck working full time for the rest of my life, it's at least a plus that I can enjoy my job! So, between that and attempting to keep my house clean, and chasing around a very "terrible two's" child I have been a little busy! I will try to do better! For now, that is all I've got to write about!