Monday, March 31, 2008


Holy Cow....that post was really long! You don't have to read it! I was just rambling on!

Great Examples

So, I really don't have anything much to write about right, I'm going to vent for a minute! Everyday I am more and more amazed at how awful people can be. Now, all of you that work retail will have similar stories I'm sure. I just wanted to share with you a few of the stories of people that I or one of my coworkers have encountered on our "adventures" at Best Buy.
*Note...these stories are absolutly true!
1. One day a lady came in and told us that she never received her TV (42" Plasma TV) that was supposed to be delivered. Upon inspection of the receipt the TV had been purchased THREE YEARS AGO!!! She said she was walking past the room that the TV was supposed to go in and noticed that it wasn't there. How do you not realize that you never got your TV??? Needless to say there was nothing we could do for her because of the recidulous time frame! "Here you go ma'am, a new TV, sorry for the inconvinence!"
2. Another lady came in very upset that she never received her digital camera. Again the receipt was dated back one year! She said she never thought about it and put the bag in her closet and pulled it out to go on vacation and noticed there was no camera! The only other thing she purchased was a memory stick. The weight difference is considerable, so to pick up your bag off the counter and not notice that you only had a memory stick in there....I don't think so! So, of course she gave us a huge fit (I thought "your kids would be so proud to see you right now") and swore up and down that she would never shop at Best Buy again. About 2 hours later she returned to apologize....she found her camera in the closet! :)
3. Here is a list of things that have been thrown (not tossed....thrown) at us. DVD's (too many to count), CD's (too many to count), a bag of licorice, a vacuume (I'm not joking on this one....he really did throw a vacuume!), numerous cables, Ipods, and even a printer. We always joke at work that a helmet should be part of the dress code.
4. I had one guy tell me that if I ever worked for him he would fire me. I calmly responded that that would never be a problem because I would never work for him.
5. Another guy told us for the 10th time that he would never come back (they always come back) and I told him it sounded like a win/ win situation!
6. One lady told another of my employees that she was going to "bring a gun in and put Logan on the map". Can you say "restraining order"? Of course we called the cops on that one!
7. Speaking of cops I believe we have called the cops on at least 4 customers in the last couple months.
8. One last favorite. One elderly lady came in and cussed up a storm to one of my employees. I didn't realize elderly ladies used the F word! She was also one that said she would never be back. Well, this employee happened to be in a temple session the next night with this same lady. He made a point to go talk to her and say "do you remember me? Cause I will never forget you!". Probably not the most appropriate time to bring that up. But she still continues to shop at Best Buy and everytime she comes in this employee of mine seeks her out and says "Your back! Glad to see!!". Ya, he's kind of a smart ass!
So, your probably thinking "Geez, Best Buy must have horrible customer service!". This just isn't the case! Our store actually has one of the highest ratings in the company in customer satisfaction! All of these stories are from people that are just complete idiots and think the world revolves around them! These are the people that unless you roll out a red carpet when they enter the store than they are mad! With everyone of these stories there are people waiting in line behind them that comment on how silly they were! I am constantly amazed at the fits that ADULTS throw! It would be no different than if they laid down on the floor kicking their feet and pounding their fists. I wish we could video just how ridiculous these people are and send it out to their families! Maybe they could watch it for family home evening and have a lesson on how to act in public!
So, the lesson I hope everyone learns is catch more flies with honey! When people come in and treat us like the human beings that we are we are more likely to find that loop hole in the policy to help you out. But when you come in stone cold and pissed off....well, looks like there isn't a whole lot we can do- and you may even have to be escorted out! :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

A Few More Easter Pics

It is so fun to me to see traditions that have gone on since I was a little girl! We have ALWAYS done an Easter Egg Hunt at my Grandma Nymans house. As I get bigger her yard gets smaller and smaller, but the tradition remains. She never hides eggs, but instead hides 12 different candies all over the yard wich the "dad's" actually have to go out and hide. It was so fun to watch Simon and Cody go around and look for the goods! It made me remember when I was a little girl doing the very same thing!

After the kids found all the candy they all just started running around the yard. You can tell everyone was just so excited to be outside and enjoyed the fresh air! There are quite a few "cousins kids" that are Simons age, so he had a blast running around with them!

This is all but a few of the "next generation" in Easter Egg Hunters! We have a picture of us cousins on this exact same hill. To me that's cool cause I'm kind of a sentimental person with stuff like that! I thought it was cool though!

Long Time, No Blog!

Holy Cow! It seems like forever since my last entry! I didn't realize how long it had been till I went to download my pictures and had 83 just since my last entry! (Yes, I take a lot of pics). Anyway here are some pics of Easter and a few just random pics.
I love Simons little squinty eyed cheeser face! This pic has nothing to do with Easter but I loved it so much I had to post it!

When Simon found his Easter basket on Easter morning he came running into our bedroom to tell us he got a "huge fruit snack". It was actually a kite, but it was funny that he thought it was a fruit snack!

This was my feeble attempt at making Simon a bunny pancake on Easter morning. I know, it's a sad looking bunny! Nothing a little syrup can't solve if you ask me!

Simon also got some sidewalk chalk in his easter basket. Cody hates it, but I think it's fun! He also got his cute hat that yes, is a little too big....but I think it looks super cute on him!

We did the first Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma Lindas. He wasn't as interested in finding the easter eggs as he was to just play on the swing set. After awhile he finally started to get it.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


So, this is how my day started off! I was minding my own business washing dishes (yep, that's what I get for doing a little house work) and suddenly feel this awful prick in my foot. I look down and see metal embedded into my foot. Foolishly I figure it must just be a staple or something (hindsight would question why exactly would there be a staple in my kitchen?), so of course I grab hold and yank......%^*#$&#^%%!!! Definitely not a staple! So, once I realize what it is I try to call Cody in hopes that he will have a magical way of getting it out. As you can see, the barbed end isn't really made to slip out easily. No Cody. I try the other fishermen in my life, my dad and my father in law. My dad was in Ogden but was definitely sympathetic over the phone ("please don't tell your mom! She's been bugging me not to play with my hooks in the house!") So, I drag myself to the doctor bare foot and limping with my kid in hopes they can help me! Of course they get it out (not before an incredibly painful shot to numb my foot, and a tetnis shot afterward). I told the doctor that surely it would hurt less to just pull the damn thing out than that shot did! In case you were wondering I did my best to have a brave face cause Simon was definitely concerned that his mom had a hook in her foot. But, I did let some tears seep out. For those of you that think "well, the worst of your day is over", it wasn't....but I'm surely not going to get into that (rolled my other ankle trying to go down the stairs cause I forgot that my other foot was numb, lost my purse, and had smoke seeping out the hood of my car).
So, if I'm a little grumpy about fishing lately....can you really blame me? The good part of the day was hearing Simon repeat "Dad's in big trouble!"
*Note the song playing as you read this! It's supposed to be "Hook" by Blues Traveler. I crack myself up sometimes!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Just some random pics!

Let's just say I am very blessed that Simon never had the desire to remove his diaper all the time....knock on wood! But lately he is obsessed with taking his shirt off! I'm glad that he's curious and interested in dressing, well, I guess undressing himself!

He always goes to this same spot under the sofa table after he does I can't reach him there or something??? We will let him keep believing that!

What a great smile, right?

What a "cool cat". I had to add this one cause he is just so handsome!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another Fun Tag!

What a fun tag!

Don't look too close!

Take a pic of these 10 things, then tag 5 people.


1. Your kitchen sink

2. The inside of your fridge.

We eat out a lot! Don't judge me! :) Plus it's grocery day tomorrow!!

3. Your favorite pair of shoes.

You just can't beat "Keens". They are the greatest shoes ever made! And of course everyone has their favorite pair of flip flops!

4. Your closet.

Nothing to see here folks....move it along!

5. The laundry pile.

Um...OK, I forgot to take a pic of the laundry pile, but really all it is is socks! I hate folding socks!!

6. What are your kids doing right now?

This is priceless! Mostly cause it means guilt free blogging!

7. Favorite room in your house.

I think I like this room because it's the only room in my entire house that I can manage to keep clean! Besides the odds and ends that I'm still waiting for Cody to hang up of course!

8. The toilet.

9. Fantasy Vacation

So, seeing as how I'm "blogging impaired" I haven't figured out how to post pics from the internet to my blog. If I could I would post either Disneyland or New Zealand!

10. Self Portrait.

Yep...She's a Beaut Clark!
I'm tagging Hayley, Kelsie, Stacey, Amber, Arianna.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I forgot to tag someone on my purse tag! So....I tag Hayley, Kelsie, Jen, and Amber


I have been tagged by Stacey about "What's in my bag?" Well, here you go! The pile of papers to the right are all the receipts that I cleaned out before I took the picture! Yes, it consumes most of my bag!
Of course a spare diaper...I'm a mom! Ibuprofen....I'm a working mom! Some gift certificates....I'm a poor mom. A tiny first aid kit (the white box)....I'm a prepared mom. A sucker....I'm a push over mom. PS....I love my bag! It holds absolutly everything and I can use it as a diaper bag if needs be.

Spring Fever!

Thank you Hayley for re-doing my blog! I love it. I tried to do it myself and the computer idiot that I am managed to screw things up! So she bailed me out!

Anyway, I'm so thrilled with the awesome weather we had yesterday! I let Simon play outside for a little while and it was heaven!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

All Boy!

In case you were wondering, Simon is 110% back to his old self! The kid doesn't walk anywhere, it's always run, run, run!
I always felt so lucky that Cody was never a huge sports fan. He will watch the occasional football or basketball game, but he's not one of those husbands that is glued to ESPN...I'm afraid my luck has ran out, cause now Simon is all about the football!
He has been 20 times more silly than before he was sick!
Typical Simon!
I just love his smile! It brightens my day!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Crap-tastic Weekend!

So, this is how we spent our fabulous weekend! In the hospital! Simon was still pretty sick on Friday (he had a temp of 105 the night before), so first thing Friday morning we took him into the doctor. Dr. McKenna wanted us to take him up to Pediatrics so they could pump some fluids into him. It was supposed to be just until about 6:00pm or so....
But by that time he still hadn't perked up at all and was still running a fever and still not we decided to keep him in the hospital over night.
The poor kid was breaking our hearts! You could tell he just was not feeling good, but he was being so brave while they put his IV in and got all his heart monitors and everything hooked up! He was even too sick to enjoy the massive amounts of attention he was getting!
After that night he definatly perked up, but Dr. McKenna was still concerned that he was pooping more than he was taking in, and he still hadn't we were in for one more night in the hospital. Simon was such a champ and did surprisingly well to stay in bed.
That night we were the only ones left in Pediatrics, so the nurse let us go for a wagon ride. It was definatly the highlight of the weekend! Simon loved it and all the nurses waved and let him think he was in a parade! They are all so sweet! Finally on Sunday Dr. McKenna came in and told us we could go home. You have never seen two more excited parents! We were going crazy from being cooped up that long as well! Simon got to pull the wagon full of all our belongings and gifts to the car and he thought he was pretty cool. Once we got home he just ran, and ran! He was so happy to be free and to be able to run about! It was a pretty long weekend, but we are so glad that he is finally feeling better! Thank you so much for all your phone calls and concerns! We are doing much better now!