Monday, March 17, 2008

Just some random pics!

Let's just say I am very blessed that Simon never had the desire to remove his diaper all the time....knock on wood! But lately he is obsessed with taking his shirt off! I'm glad that he's curious and interested in dressing, well, I guess undressing himself!

He always goes to this same spot under the sofa table after he does I can't reach him there or something??? We will let him keep believing that!

What a great smile, right?

What a "cool cat". I had to add this one cause he is just so handsome!


Melissa Hernandez said...

Priceless, I love that his arm is just sticking out. Do you help him put his arm back in, or just let him walk around the house like that? He's too cute!

Soto family said...

Ha! It reminds me of the "PJ VEST" days. Remember the vests we made when we took our head out of our nightgowns? Ya. I thought you would. :)

Hayley said...

Aw, stripper Simon. So funny! He was my buddy tonight, and I totally dug it! What a stud.

Kelsie said...

That is so funny! He does this at my house too! And he always does it the same way... by taking his arm out the top! He is hilarious! I just love his guts!

The Wolfley Family said...

My favorite part about this is that he's got that look on his face that says he knows he wasn't supposed to do it!

Stacey Irwin said...

aww. I so don't miss this stage. But the pictures are awesome! It must be a boy thing. Jameson and Ethan Used to do that ALL THE TIME!!! Next stage is the completely naked stage!! GOOD LUCK with that one. Then we really will have to call him Stripper Simon!

Anonymous said...

Cute pics! How old is he now? Michelle gave me your blog address. Fun!

Ash said...

My PAYZLI is a stripper. Proud? NO! In fact we have found her without pants and diaper more than once in the morning. Funny the first time, not so funny the second time...she peed all over!
Not only does she strip herself. She loves pulling Ayda's socks and pants off, and all her dolls are NAKED!
Let's hope this stays in her childhood:)