Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Another Fun Tag!

What a fun tag!

Don't look too close!

Take a pic of these 10 things, then tag 5 people.


1. Your kitchen sink

2. The inside of your fridge.

We eat out a lot! Don't judge me! :) Plus it's grocery day tomorrow!!

3. Your favorite pair of shoes.

You just can't beat "Keens". They are the greatest shoes ever made! And of course everyone has their favorite pair of flip flops!

4. Your closet.

Nothing to see here folks....move it along!

5. The laundry pile.

Um...OK, I forgot to take a pic of the laundry pile, but really all it is is socks! I hate folding socks!!

6. What are your kids doing right now?

This is priceless! Mostly cause it means guilt free blogging!

7. Favorite room in your house.

I think I like this room because it's the only room in my entire house that I can manage to keep clean! Besides the odds and ends that I'm still waiting for Cody to hang up of course!

8. The toilet.

9. Fantasy Vacation

So, seeing as how I'm "blogging impaired" I haven't figured out how to post pics from the internet to my blog. If I could I would post either Disneyland or New Zealand!

10. Self Portrait.

Yep...She's a Beaut Clark!
I'm tagging Hayley, Kelsie, Stacey, Amber, Arianna.


Hayley said...

Another tag...I will get to these one day soon. Look how cute you are in that picture! 4 weeks till shopping day, start saving your mulah!

Bre said...

What a fun tag! I love the pic. of Simon and your hubby, it was so fun to see you at bunco!

Amber said...

Ok, I'll get to my tag ASAP! But that might not be until Saturday morning. I still have to get my projects ready for Girls' Night Out - oops! About your tag - I saw the picture of your sink and thought, ugh, hope mine isn't full of dishes. Then I saw the picture of your toilet and had to wonder if it would actually be appropriate to post a picture of my toilet. hmmm...what counts as cheating??

Melissa Hernandez said...

I'm impressed with the sink and toilet. It's Friday, most people's toilets look terrible by Friday, are you a mid-week cleaner? Your fridge looks about like mine, pop and ice cream, nice!

Heidi Kjar said...

Your post made me laugh! I love it!! The "we eat out alot don't judge!" part was my favorite. That and the closet "movin right along"-
Ha i love it.

Soto family said...

SOOO funny! I love the "movin right along" comment!