Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pennies are being pinched!!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to all of you that posted ideas to help me in pinching my much needed pennies! I don't I've ever had that many comments on any of my posts before so it sounds like I struck a nerve with a lot of you! :) A good nerve of course! In fact I have had so many comments from people between blogging world and facebook world that I think I might be interested in hosting a party that can teach us how to be better with our money. I am also looking into a class that is offered (it's FREE!!!!!) and once I find out when and where I will post it for you all. So, if you SERIOUSLY are interested in attending a "party" let me know....I don't want to host one if no one shows up (you know who you are!...Ok, I'm usually that person!). I've heard so many people that are spending like $50 on groceries but coming home with $5,000 worth of groceries (OK, slight exageration....but it's my daydream, let me have my moment!). I'm so excited to learn and to be able to breath again!! Thanks again for all the great ideas! Keep them coming!!


Kylie said...

Beleive me, I'm really in your boat right now. Like you read on my post, I really haven't started the "craze" like my sisters have and am still not sure how it is all going to work. BUT one trick my mom told me is try and stock up on a few things and then when you see them on sale, you buy more. That way you are never buying things regular priced (which always seems to be my problem.) I don't have a lot of storage items, just grocery shop for the up coming weeks. ANYWAY, I wish you all the best of luck! I can't really help a whole lot, but if you find tips, pass them on! I'm all for any tips I can get!!

Also, Im proud to say I never once got mad at an employee becuase they didn't have Mario Kart. I can only imagine the torture you have gone through. These people are absolutley INSANE!

Stacey Irwin said...

I sooo wish I could be there I would attend your party for sure..
so can I ask you to pass on the tips and tricks of this crazyness.
I really hate c.clipping.. but if it saves me that kind of cash.. I will give it an honest try.
Our budget for grocery's for 2 weeks is $200. for a family of 5 it's okay but I totally have to know what the meals are.. and come cleaning aisle day I know I will be over at least$50( I have yet to figure out if this is just me or that I actually need all of it.)
I like Kylie comments on buying and stocking up on sale items.. it helps alot too.
So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share all your tips!!
GO GIRL! you can so do it!!!

The Rigbys said...

I am definitely interested. Thanks!

Camille Pedersen said...

I've been to a class before, actually I only caught the last half, so maybe I missed valuable information. I think what I need is somebody to sit down with me after the coupons come in the mail, show me how to organize them, then when the sales come, show me how to take the coupons to the store and USE them.. like a coupon mentor:) we definately need a better food storage stock pile.. ben gets grumpy when i suggest pancakes or canned soup for dinner..

Parker Family said...

For Camille and Amy: go to Jerilyn's blog, click on grocery smarts in her right column, in there you will find a scroll down icon, on the scroll down, click on Albertsons, and that is where they help you organized your coupons, and show you what coupons to use on each weekly ad, they lay it all out for you and make is so easy! They update it every Wed morning, when the ad starts for the week.

The Robbins said...

I would so be there.

Hayley said...

I would totally come to your party! Sorry I have no advice for how to pinch pennies....I'm working on it too!

Love you!

Melissa Hernandez said...

I would totally come to a party or go to a class. I am a penny pincher, so any new ideas i will take!!

Anonymous said...

Can I invite myself to your money saving party!? I hate the whole clipping coupons, pinching your penny time sucking site, and really anything that requires extra energy in being more frugal. Hmmmmm... maybe this being good with $ isn't for me and I should stick with the "DEBT... bring it on!" concept :>!

Better get going... have 2 poopy bums to change. Wonder who they would be!! :> These two crack me up. You should see them right now they are standing on the little play table upstairs together banging their chests like gorillas. Never a dull moment here!

Heidi Kjar said...

I like your penny pinchers post- I am the worst at cutting coupons but I am going to start. I am going to start subscribing to the DesNews and get the "manufacture coupons" out of there and use them. I'm also going to start only buying things on sale! These are both lofty goals and hopefully I can really do them b/c I am the type that goes to the grocery store and throws a bunch of WHATEVER into my cart WHENEVER I want. So we'll see...