Thursday, July 10, 2008

Better Late than Never!

I finally got some pics posted on here from the 4th! We had a fabulous time at the fireworks on the 3rd! I'm pretty sure I was more excited than Simon. He puked right before they started, but he loved them once we got him settled.

Simon and Sienna. Best of friends.....for now. :) I love the pics of them when they look like they are in full conversation.
Hayley and Trav. I love you guys!
Simon was having an intense conversation with grandpa. Of course it ended in a wrestling match!
We did fireworks at my parents house on the 4th. We missed Jen and Jason and their crew, they were dealing with a family emergency (see her blog for details). Simon had a great time playing with Sid. Anyway, that was our 4th of July holiday! We are headed off on vacation to Bear Lake and then to camping. So, I'll post new pics when we get back!


Melissa Hernandez said...

I love the 4th of July! Were you guys at that church house behind Convergys that had like a 1000 people there? The picture just looks like that church. We drove by there on our way to the Convergys lawn-and thought how crazy it was that that many people could fit in one area!! Cute pictures!

Hayley said...

We are one hot couple! Love you guys-and am always so happy that we get to celebrate things things together.


Hawks Family said...

Sounds like you guys had a wonderful 4th of July! Our kids are still deciding whether they like fireworks or not - they love the sight, but hate the sound, so mostly they spend their time watching them with their hands over their ears.

Jeremy and Morgan Maughan said...

Hey! I love all of your pictures! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Just so you know, I added you as one of my friends on my blog! :) See you soon!