Monday, January 11, 2010

A Week Off!

This week has been WONDERFUL!! I have had the week off from work and let me just say it was mucho needed!!! I think my boss was afraid I was just going to walk in and fire someone at work. Pregnant + Post Holidays = Give that girl a vacation before she snaps! I'm so glad I have a boss that is so forgiving and patient!! :) So, I decided while I was off I would get my house clean and try to do some organizing! No the nesting phase hasn't kicked in...I just finally have a little bit of energy! Simon has loved helping me clean. I got a bunch of these wipes back when I was really into couponing (thanks a lot Albertsons for selling out! Boo to you!!). And let me just say they have been worth every penny! Simon LOVES to use these wipes! He has cleaned my baseboards, chair rails, every flat surface in my house, bookshelves, my railing, you name it...he's cleaned it!
Here's a pic of him going to town on my floor. Let's just say it has kept him busy for HOURS!! And that equals a happy mom!

I also decided to go through the bags of handme down clothes that my two fabulous sis-in-laws have been sending my way (in hopes of me having a girl). Let me just say I had no idea what a project this was going to be! Girls, I mean this in the nicest way possible....but good grief!!! There was A LOT OF CLOTHES!!!! :) I'm not complaining- I am not sure I will ever have to buy a single girl thing till Lucy is 20!!
This bin is 6-12 month old ONLY! That's's overflowing!!!

I'm going to have to change her clothes 5 times every day just so she can wear everything! I'm so greatful though that I have sil's with such awesome taste in clothes! Thanks for sharing with me! Oh, and let me just say this little girl already has a shoe collection larger than anything I have ever owned!!
Enough about girls....
Simon has hit that age. The age that dads instantly skip to when they find out they are having a boy. The pics will speak for themselves.
Shhhh...he's hiding! You have to pretend you can't hear him laughing hysterically!
He's smart enough to find some protection while he reloads his nerf gun.

Good grief! I've got two little boys to deal with!

I love watching them play together like this! Cody literally morphes into a 3 year old and they both have so much fun!


Stacey Irwin said...

I am soo glad you are feeling better! Your pictures crack me up! yay for wipe's and lil boys who love to clean! hee.. hee! As for the clothes.. TRUST ME you will have so much fun trying on something new! Lucky girl!
I love the pictures of Cody playing nerf guns. I have a huge bin of various nerf guns here simon would be in heaven ( so would cody apperantly) What a cute dad he is!
hope you enjoyed your week off! And can I just tell you again , how excited I am that you are having a girl?! yay!

Hayley said...

She will be a well dressed little lady!

Have I mentioned how excited I am??

Amber said...

You crack me up! Glad you got a week off. So, I'm rethinking my idea of sending you clothes... Dang it! I wanted to shop for little girl stuff. No worries though - I have other ideas up my sleeve :)

Love the nerf gun fight - typical boys!

Alexsis said...

Amy! I am so excited for your newest addition! Be sure to post lots of photos.

Love, Steve and Lex.

Caesy Jade Smith said...

Let me guess, I am the one with the big shoe collection?