Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cowboy Up!

I know....right? So cute!!! Simon has been obsessed with being a cowboy lately! And I can honestly say that it is by absolutly NO influence from Cody and I. We are not cowboy folk here! I think he must have spent some time with my Grandpa Downs in heaven before he came down. :) He loves to ride his toy horse "Ponytail", and is determined that he is going to ride bulls when he is older (um...I'm pretty sure I get the last say in that one!). He watches the movie "8 Seconds" about once a day and can't wait to try out the "Mutten Busten" this summer in the rodeos. What have we done? Where did we go wrong? Since we don't listen to country music at our house my sister brought over a couple CD's that she burned for Simon full of cowboy music (he only likes the boy cowboys to girls!) It just really comes to show that you can influence your kids, but they still have their own little personalities!
I love you Simon!
"Whatever you are, be a good one!"
-Abe Lincoln-

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No Title Needed


Stress Stress Stress Stress
Stress Stress Stress
Blah! Ugh! Geez! Sometimes I wish I could just have a free pass to go and just get stone cold drunk!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We have been trying to be better at saying prayers at night with Simon. I always look forward to hearing Simon pray. It just absolutly melts my heart and no matter what he prays for (it does get interesting) you can always feel the spirit in the room.

Tonights prayer consisted of this....

"Bless the race cars that they won't crash. And bless the bears in the zoo to be nice.

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Week Off!

This week has been WONDERFUL!! I have had the week off from work and let me just say it was mucho needed!!! I think my boss was afraid I was just going to walk in and fire someone at work. Pregnant + Post Holidays = Give that girl a vacation before she snaps! I'm so glad I have a boss that is so forgiving and patient!! :) So, I decided while I was off I would get my house clean and try to do some organizing! No the nesting phase hasn't kicked in...I just finally have a little bit of energy! Simon has loved helping me clean. I got a bunch of these wipes back when I was really into couponing (thanks a lot Albertsons for selling out! Boo to you!!). And let me just say they have been worth every penny! Simon LOVES to use these wipes! He has cleaned my baseboards, chair rails, every flat surface in my house, bookshelves, my railing, you name it...he's cleaned it!
Here's a pic of him going to town on my floor. Let's just say it has kept him busy for HOURS!! And that equals a happy mom!

I also decided to go through the bags of handme down clothes that my two fabulous sis-in-laws have been sending my way (in hopes of me having a girl). Let me just say I had no idea what a project this was going to be! Girls, I mean this in the nicest way possible....but good grief!!! There was A LOT OF CLOTHES!!!! :) I'm not complaining- I am not sure I will ever have to buy a single girl thing till Lucy is 20!!
This bin is 6-12 month old ONLY! That's's overflowing!!!

I'm going to have to change her clothes 5 times every day just so she can wear everything! I'm so greatful though that I have sil's with such awesome taste in clothes! Thanks for sharing with me! Oh, and let me just say this little girl already has a shoe collection larger than anything I have ever owned!!
Enough about girls....
Simon has hit that age. The age that dads instantly skip to when they find out they are having a boy. The pics will speak for themselves.
Shhhh...he's hiding! You have to pretend you can't hear him laughing hysterically!
He's smart enough to find some protection while he reloads his nerf gun.

Good grief! I've got two little boys to deal with!

I love watching them play together like this! Cody literally morphes into a 3 year old and they both have so much fun!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Are we buying Pink, or Blue???

We are so freaking excited to be having a little girl! I almost started crying in the ultrasound cause I was so excited! I'm noticing everything pink now!
Here are a few pics from the ultrasound. Sorry they aren't very good pics!
I love this one cause you can so clearly see her face (we will be naming her Lucy)! And her little hand is sitting on ther head.

We can hardly wait for Lucy to join our family! Simon is still dead set on naming her Sally...he just won't give! Not sure what we are going to do about that. Maybe when she is born she will just look like a Sally (but I strongly doubt it!). Then again he was dead set on naming a boy Diggerbutt!


We got to take Simon sledding with the Johnson clan. It was so much fun! It was snowing lightly, wasn't too it was perfect!

Climbing back up the hill is never fun! I took video of their first ride down....but it wouldn't load on Blogger.....sorry! They did indeed crash, and Simon loved every second of it!

We were a little limited on the number of sleds we had, but the kids were pretty good at waiting their turn!

Who do you think is having more fun? Cody...loved it!

Gosh I love this kid!

Holiday Time, Family Time!

WARNING: Lot's of pics....and they are in no particular order! Just be glad I am actually blogging! :)
So, the holidays have come and gone and we enjoyed every second of them! We were so excited to have Jody home from Texas and to be able to see their family. That is the greatest part of the holidays for me...being with family!
Here is a great pic of all the cousins on the Johnson side. Pretty cute kids...I know!

These 3 played so great together! It's not very often you see Ady seperated from Kutter!
Simon and Brielle played so great together. He loves her so much and can switch from punching the boys to talking in a high pitched voice and being so soft with Brielle.

Look at that look of disappointment that all the presents were opened! Geez kid! (see, I told you these weren't in order.)

We were able to convince Simon that he didn't want the $100 dinosaur robot (cause Santa still sends mom and dad a bill for the toys!), and luckily he fell in love with these little baby dinosaurs! MUCH more affordable! :) Thanks Santa for finding them!

This is Simon Christmas morning. It was such a fun year even though he was miserably sick (and Cody too!) He was up and ready to go to open presents.

I thought he would be more nervous to visit Santa. But he did great! Man I love that kids smile!

Chillin' with Uncle Greg.

The kids made Gingerbread Houses at Grandma Tana's. They made a huge mess...but had tons of fun!

Grandpa Joel showing off his gingerbread house! Ya right!!! This is one of moms Christmas decorations!

Winter Wonderland!