Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Ducks and Some Family Time

Somehow, Somewhere I got it in my head that I wanted a couple pet ducks. I blame Tyler at work! I thought as they grow up they would be a fun addition to our yard. Surprisingly Cody said we could get some. So, after a couple weeks of hunting (well, not literally "hunting") a friend of mine from work found these ducks for sale in Hyrum. Simon was waiting outside for me when I got home, excited to meet his new pets.

We let Simon name them so of course they got named Donald and Goofy. To be honest I'm a little surprised that he didn't name them Buzz and Woody (he's just slightly obsessed with Toy Story right now). The next day at work Cody called me to say that the ducks were gone! Gone? Like dead? No, they had just ran away....but of course with how little they were that inevitably meant they were dead. I hunted for awhile around the yard when I got the window wells, in the rain gutter, in the flowers....everywhere. No luck! Well, when we woke up this morning Cody looked out the window and said "you have got to be kidding me". There were the ducks! They had found their way home...and they are only a week old! I'm so proud of my little duckies!!!
Today we also decided to skip church (shhh, don't tell!) and spend a little family time up the canyon. We just walked around and enjoyed being in the mountains for a little while. Simon ran around, me and Cody held hands and it was just a really nice day!


Hobbs Family said...

Cutest family ever! I can't believe you have ducks. How fun!

Hayley said...

We should have brought the girls over to meet them today, they were just so freakin' tired by the time we left...

this weekend? they are sure cute!

Stacey Irwin said...

I thought you were kidding about the ducks! I am laughing at this! I never pegged your for a "duck" person! well I'm glad Simon loves em! SO you had family church. good for you sometimes you just need to be with your family.. reminds me of old times (well not family church. but tony grove and wind caves brought it's fare share of spirtitual rejuvination.)
love your picturs. what a cute family!

Melissa Hernandez said...

that's too funny they found there way home. Sometimes family time on sunday is just so nice and relaxing!

Amber Culp Family said...

Such cute ducks. I bet Simon loves them! Such a nice mom to to give your kid a fun pet, my kids can only dream!

Tami said...

Are your ducks noisy? What will you do with them in the winter? Can they survive outside in the cold? Love the names!!

The Wolfley Family said...

You found the one animal we don't own! They are so darn cute! I can't wait to see Simon with them!

Mindy said...

First of all, These is My Words is amazing.

Secondly email me at your email address so I can keep track of you progress.

Parker Family said...

Who would have thought ducks as a pet! Sounds fun! How do you take care of them? Are they inside or outside pets? What a fun mom you are to get ducks! Good for you to spend some good family time, sometimes this crazy, busy life can overtake the important things, it is good to step back and enjoy family time!! Good for you!

Amber said...

I couldn't believe it when you told me you were getting a duck - but I think it's awesome! I hope you have more luck with them than I've had with my fish :) Oh, and I'm a big fan of their names too!

By the way, I have to admit that we've skipped Stake Conference for a day up the canyon too. I guess we probably shouldn't, but it beats sitting on a hard bench for 2 hours straight with restless kids!!