Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So today Merrilee and I decided to get together and take our kids to the park. Merrilee used to babysit Simon so him and Ryker are pretty good friends. Since I can't convince Merr to move across the street from me we don't get together very often! We got some lunch and visited and the boys ran around and literally touched every tree (we aren't exactly sure what game they were playing).
I made them link arms in the picture above, and than I think they were embarrassed that they did that. How do kids know to be embarrassed so early in life?
After walking around and looking at the animals we stopped for a little drink. I love the team work here! Unfortunatly Simon wasn't strong enough to push the button when Ryker wanted a drink, so Simon got more turns!
We hated pulling them apart since they were having so much fun, but it was nap time (for the moms maybe)! :)
And of course I had to post a pic of the beautiful Miss Kate. Isn't she a doll? She so loved the swing! Look at that grin! Thanks Merr, Kate, and Ryker for a fun afternoon!


The Robbins said...

Oh my heck, I didn't know you got a picture of them being embarrased after the arm link! That is hilarious! I love it! And I love that pic of Kate too. The boys need to get together regularly, thats it. They were simply too cute together. Thanks for the fun afternoon!

Stacey Irwin said...

I'm not jealous... not at all... hey! I have a good idea... you should move to Indiana!! They do indeed have a best buy here.. and I'm pretty sure they have some construction work here.( how does he feel about road work? plenty of opp. there?)
I soo miss you girl! we really do need to chat! or at least email!
But I like you moving to Indy better, think of all the havoc we could cause!!!!
Cute Pic. your boy is getting big!

Anonymous said...

Cute pics! I love the teamwork picture!

Kylie said...

So cute! I love the pictures, they look like they have a fun time together.

Amber said...

cute, cute, cute! Isn't it adorable when your kids make friends? Andrew has a best friend named Charles and it makes me say "Awwww..." every time I see them hug or hear them talk on the phone :)

Kylie said...

I Heart Your Blog! Check out my blog for more details.

Caesy Jade Smith said...

How cute!!!You need to post about the SLEEPOVER!

alliSUN said...

HOW CUTE! THOSE KIDS ARE ADORABLE! Lennox has a bff too, her name is Savannah they have so much fun together. I haven't seen you in a long time! I'll be excited to see you again someday. are you going to the christmas party?
-Allison Shepherd