Saturday, February 23, 2008

Friday Night

So, since our source of entertainment decided to ditch us for the night (that would be Hayley and Travis), we decided to have a night on the town, just Cody Simon and me! So, a night on the town for us consists of walking around Sams Club. I know, I romantic, right? Well that's the G rated version! The R rated version shows us actually holding hands while we stroll around Sams Club (before you ohhhh and awwww at how sweet that is, Simon was between us demanding to hold both our hands!). Once we realized Simon can out run both of us up and down the isles we decided to call in some Chinese (weird, I know...I just like the fried rice!) and just go home. The rest of our evening consisted of driving to pick up our order (all the while hearing Cody say "El Toro Viejo" in as many different accents as possible...serioulsy!), driving home (with me spending a good 10 minutes trying to remember the title of this new cartoon that Simon loves). We get home, enjoy our food and go to bed! Oh wait, I forgot to include that now before Simon goes to bed he has to "snuggle with dad's arm" and he has to hold on to Cody's ear lobe....he's a weirdo! So, what did we learn from this fun filled evening??? Hayley and Travis must NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER LEAVE US!!!! So, Hayley, I hope you enjoyed your evening, cause next time you have to take us with you! :)


Hayley said...

Oh this had me laughing! I missed you guys this weekend too! It sucks! Sienna is finally feeling pretty good, so hopefully we will see you again....someday.

Kelsie said...

This is so hilarious! So Dev and I may not be near as cool as Hayley and Travis, but we might give Sam's Club a run for their money. Seriously next time give us little folk on the West side of town a call and you'll be in for a treat! I will try to keep my accents to myself, because I would hate to make Cody feel bad about my mad accent skill! It is hilarious about Simon and Cody's arm though, because Simon always wants to sit next to Devin on the couch and when he does he will not let go of his arm! He is such a funny kid! Love him!

Melissa Hernandez said...

I'm glad there are other people out there that take dates to the grocery store. Hey, there ain't nothing wrong with it!

The Wolfley Family said...

Now you know why Jody and I are such boring people -- it is just inevitable that fun becomes too hard! I love that you tried, though!

Stacey Irwin said...

...I laughed all the way thru. welcome to family-hood.Paul and I do this all the time too! there are nights we will just drive around because I don't want to go home!

Amber Culp Family said...

The picture of Simon eating cereal is the funniest ever. HMMM, I think he is just like his father. However, Cody would have been naked, with his hair curled!

Heidi Kjar said...

Sounds like our Friday nights! I love it. Take out is always a good choice though, you really can't go wrong with take-out! Fun post

Hayley said...

an update would be dgg.

Hayley said...

me again...I just wanted to say I'm sorry Simon is sick. I have been sick about it all night. I really thought Sienna was out of the contagious stage. Let me know if there is anything we can do to help, and hug him for me. Sorry again!