Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm Cookoo for CoCo Puffs!

Now, let's talk about this for a minute! My specific instructions were "Simon, eat your cereal like a big boy while mommy takes a quick shower." Simple enough, right? Now, you professional moms out there could rattle off the million mistakes I made right there in that moment. What word exactly didn't he understand? Was it "eat", "big boy", or "quick"? I can tell you which words he DID understand...."mommy take a shower", which in baby language obviously means "sweet, mom's going to be out of sight for 7.5 minutes! Make as big of a mess as possible!". For those of you wondering, yes 7.5 minutes is a quick shower for me! Don't judge me for enjoying my shower! Needless to say this was one of those days where I thought "why do I even bother trying to clean my house, or dress my kid? " And you might think the look on Simons face is one of "hey look what a big boy I am?", but being his mom, I know better. That look is "OK, I surrender, I'll "stick 'em up!"


Amber said...

You know - I think you were just lucky that the mess was in a fairly contained space. Andrew gave up the high chair about a year ago which means, even my walls are dirty! How can they do so much damage in such a short amount of time?? Cute boy though. That picture is priceless!

Hayley said...

Okay, that is my favorite post ever! So cute..and I love the way you worded it. I miss you Simon!

Hanne and Fam said...

This had me laughing so hard! Rayden use to be the same way with food. Now he is that way with toys!

tina said...

I agree with hayley! Thanks. I needed a laugh today!

Stacey Irwin said...

oh girl.... you are in for it. I can promise you from having 2 boys this is just the tip of the ice berg. It sickly comforting that I am not the only mommy with kids who can make a mess when my back is turned for a minute. But seriously how can you be mad at something so darn cute?!

Melissa Hernandez said...

Now, how can you get mad at a face like that, too cute. I love that smile. Yesterday, I signed "all done" to Isa after dinner, so she took the tray off her (which was still covered in peas and yogurt). I thought, okay that was my own fault!

Melissa Hernandez said...

I forgot to mention above, she took the tray off, and then it nailed the floor (with the peas and yogurt)....that's what brooms and rags are for I guess

The Wolfley Family said...

I'm afraid I'm gonna wake up all the kids I am laughing so hard! Messy as he is, I still just wanna kiss that cute face!

The Wolfley Family said...

He is so funny! Trayson misses him so much! Love, Breje