SeRiousLy, you have NEVER had so much fUn if you have NEVER had a slEepOver with Ady! Last niGht I inVited Ady to sLeepoVer at our hoUse. We had a BLAST!! We gOt siLly and craZy and had the TIME of our LIVES! SiMon was so wOunD up it wAs haLariOus! We put All the blaNkets out oN the flOor and tuRned on "AllAdin". Ady was so CUTE whiLe we waTched it. She is sUch a roManTic alrEady! She SANG alMost eVerY woRd to evEry soNg and had a HUGE grIn duRing the roManTic carPet riDe. SiMon woUldn't leAve her alOne. WheNever we triEd to get hIm to lay doWn he praCticaLly laId on tOp of Ady. He just waNted to be laYing as cLose to heR as poSSible! In the morNing we mAde paNcaKes! And thEn speNt a good poRtion of the moRning plaYing plAy-doH! Ady foUnd that whEn she sAng inTo this cUp it "ECHOED" her vOice, so I gueSs she thOugHt it soUnded liKe a miCropHone. She saNg her HEART out all MorniNg. I got soMe viDeo of hEr SINGING, but the tecHno retArd that I am cAn't figUre out hOw to poSt it! AnyWay, THANK YOU sooOo much Ady for haVing sUch a FUN sleePoVer with me! We defInAtly have to dO it aGaiN.....SOON!! :)
This looks like such a blast! I love Simon's face in the top picture! She looks so adorable! How fun!!
Adyson had a blast! She is very lucky to have such great Aunts! Thankyou for being one of them.
You really are such a cute aunt! I love how much fun Simon had with Ady. I can't believe how cute they are!
oh I can't wait until the sleepover days arrive, how fun!! Aladdin is one of my favorites!
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