Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Kelly Clarkson Beware!

OK, so I'm bored and found this website on Melissa's links, so I was playing around with a photo I had of Ady. I'm pretty sure she could be a contender for American Idol! How could you ever turn away a beauty like her! And she does sing a pretty good "I Am A Child Of God"! I'm excited to have Ady over for a sleepover tonight! We are going to get in our PJs and watch movies and have popcorn! I'm pretty excited! Let's cross our fingers Simon sleeps good tonight!


Hayley said...

They don't make girls prettier than her do they? I miss her already.

The Wolfley Family said...

I am so jealous that you get to have an Ady slumber party! I am sure she'll have a blast. I bet you end up with more sweet pictures!